I usually just go with it because frankly its kinda hot, and I pretend that she’s got me because I don’t want her to stop, so I go along with it and pretend that if I move an inch I might get hurt..

It seems rather flirtatious I have to say, but we’ve had the conversation many times and she sees me unequivocally as a friend and nothing more.


We also used to cuddle but she doesn’t feel comfortable doing it anymore because she feels like its too intimate and I had a bit of a moment where I told her I was sick of the intimate stuff without having a real relationship. We’ve never kissed or had sex, and she’s never been with a guy before, it’s a weird situation tbh. We have crazy good chemistry, our roommate said that it’s as if we’re soulmates but of course that feeling isn’t shared on her part even if she loves my personality and our connection. But what is with her behavior!? We also recently have been sharing the same couch and she puts her legs on my lap all the time. Not to mention the tickle fights..

  1. She is sure sending mixed messages. You could just have a direct conversation with her about what she is thinking and the mixed signals but it sounds like you have already done that. Does she just want a FWB? It sounds like she just wants to fuck but not get involved emotionally.

    You have to decide what you’re willing to endure and where your boundaries are.

  2. If she wants to just be a friend, friends don’t usually grope your genitals. To say she’s sending mixed messages is an understatement.

    *If* you’re hoping for this to become a FWB or gf/bf relationship, then I suppose so long as you understand it may not happen, then say nothing.

    But if you‘d rather keep things to just friends, and she insists on that too, you need to insist that she stop this. It’s unfair to you.

  3. Just kiss her unsuspecting. It’s your personal space. If she comes a certain distance, she’s going to get kissed and that’s that. She has her boundaries, you have yours.

  4. She wants to get all the validation of your attention without any reciprocation or responsibility to you. You need a new friend. Better yet, get a girlfriend and ignore this woman.

  5. Playfully press your crotch against hers next time you wrestle and see her reaction. Example, get her to put you in her guard and wrongly pass it by leaving one leg behind

  6. Dude just try to think about it from her perspective. She’s confused. She doesn’t know what she wants. What she does know, is that she doesn’t want to lose you as a friend, if things as a couple don’t work out. She does love you that much. Try to just be a good friend to her. If she’s not ready for more yet, then just be a good friend. Love is patient bro.

  7. uh, if she’s doing those things and not wanting to have sex with you then you should probably stop torturing yourself 😛

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