My gf and I (both F 21) have been together for over three years and live about an hour away from each other. Typically when I come visit, my gf will get upset or angry about something throughout the day which effects our interactions. Sometimes instead of getting angry she gets into a mood or suddenly has an attitude with me/other people. When she’s done being angry she kinda just goes back to normal. Here are some examples:

-I didn’t wanna have sex on my period and she got an attitude because I said no. She asked multiple times throughout the day but my answer was the same.

-her roommate was playing with her cat when she wanted to, and she got angry at him so she left the room and slammed her door shut while I sat in her living room.

-I needed to shower and get ready to drive back to my college campus for class, and she got an attitude because I got up to shower instead of staying in bed with her longer

-her power went out and she insisted that I went home. I told her I wanted to stay but I guess I misunderstood what she was saying. She got angry because she had to repeat herself to me.

My reasoning for being with her is that she is a sweet person on the inside. She takes care of me and can be very loving. I just want to know how I can communicate with her that she needs to control her anger or receive help.

TL;DR: my gf gets upset easily and it’s starting to make me worry. She has anger issues but I’m not sure how to handle her outburst.

  1. Yeaah this sounds like my ex GF. I’d say some people just are like this and you are not doing anything wrong. I’d say it will be very difficult (requiring a lot of effort/therapy) for them to change.

  2. She’s a sweet person on the inside other than when she is trying to violate your sexual consent or throwing little temper tantrums, you mean? Because her trying to push you to have sex when you do not want to kind of negates any possibility of her actually being all that nice deep down.

  3. Read the book “Attached” this person has some issues to work through and all of this is childish “protest behaviour” – it goes into detail in the book

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