Me and my girlfriend have been together for roughly a year now. and it’s been great but I’ve always been insecure and I had a feeling. so I went through her phone and found a guy that she and him keep saving pictures of each other but never text.

so I have a feeling it’s only talking through pictures then stops when I get home or we are together because it seems they never Snapchat when I am around her and he knows I am with her and tries to act like he wants to be friends with me but I don’t trust him. What do I do?

TL;DR girlfriend might be cheating over Snapchat

  1. You tell your girlfriend you went through her phone. If you are willing to never do it again, then you apologize. Then you tell her what you found, and you ask her to explain it. Although if she is angry with you over you violating her, then it might not get that far.

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