So, as a little background, I’m currently a Senior in Uni majoring in Math & Statistics. I’m not working currently and have a lot of free time outside of my classes, and have several hobbies that I follow to occupy myself. I am also involved in 2 clubs on my campus, and frequent all of the social events hosted or sponsored by the club.

I’m definitely on top of all aspects of my hygiene. Have never really been comfortable with going more than a day without showering, given that I also tend to work out every day of the week, so I wouldn’t be very comfortable constantly being smelly and sweaty.

I used to have a very easy time socializing and meeting people when I first started high school. In my opinion, the thing that has changed the most about me in the last 8 years or so has been my appearance. I went from being friends with almost everyone and making friends effortlessly in high school, having people constantly compliment my charismatic personality, and having teachers tell me that I will be one of the students they will always remember. Classmates told me I was going to be famous one day and that I just had a one-in-a-million personality. I still believe that I do, but towards the end of high school, my looks started to take a sharp decline. I never previously had rosacea growing up but seemed to develop a spontaneous case of it around the time I turned 17. Combining that with early-onset male pattern baldness, I quickly went from a young-looking and healthy-looking person to someone that was changing without anything left to do about it. Looking back, if I knew what I knew today and faced the same problems, there’s a chance I would be able to mitigate or lessen the outcomes, but that’s still complete speculation and doesn’t really change where I stand today.

Over the last 4 years of University, I haven’t made a single new friend. I’ve had acquaintances that I’ve tried to develop relationships with overtime, a lot of guys that I felt had very similar personalities and interests as myself, but really had no interest in hanging out with me because of the social baggage that comes with associating with someone that looks “different” or “weird”. After high school, I worked in a few jobs in retail and in restaurants. Throughout all of them, I received unanimous negative remarks and regular almost “scolding” about my appearance from my female coworkers and my relationship status. I would of course never do anything to antagonize or instigate this stuff, and whenever I would report it to a manager, I would just be laughed off or gaslit and told that they were flirting with me when the reality could not be further from the truth.

I just don’t know where to go from here. I’ve been so involved and active in various self-help and self-improvement communities over the years and have met other people like me, and almost all of them end up as lonely and depressed virgin men late into their 30s and 40s before most inevitably commit suicide or let their lives waste away.

How is it that I’m able to employ nearly every social tactic or technique for making friends, talking to people, meeting people, and trying to find a social circle, and I’ve still been unsuccessful after 4 years of being at a University surrounded by tens of thousands of likeminded individuals? I’ve met tons of people that I feel like I could relate to and be friends with, but there’s this unanimous agreement amongst people to not associate with or bring unattractive people into social circles.

In the few parties that I’ve managed to go to, I’ve walked around and tried to talk to people and have been met with nothing but having backs turned on me, people pretending to “not hear me”, and just end up being intentionally left out in every and any activity. I can be standing right there in a room, and just be intentionally skipped over for every conversation or activity. Like I’ll be standing right there and clearly be attentive and paying attention, people will see me, and just intentionally not acknowledge me or address me in any way, and when I chose to speak up or say anything, I’m never replied to and no one speaks to me. Nothing I say is remotely awkward or strange either.

I’ve learned a long time ago that it’s hardly ever important what someone says. What’s important is WHO is saying it. I’ve witnessed countless examples of guys with personalities just like me have people effortlessly carry conversations with them and put in an equal amount of effort. They are enthusiastic and happy to talk to them and escalate things and make suggestions on their own. When people deal with me, it’s like I’m pulling teeth. I seriously can’t logically conclude that it’s anything other than my appearance holding me back. I can honestly compare myself to tons of guys my age that have no issues with socializing or dating and say with 100% certainty that there’s nothing so wrong with my personality or character that it would exclude me from making friends and dating.

What is there really left to do in a situation where you’re strictly limited by your appearance and have everything else in order to a T. ? You could take a description of me and mix it in a bucket with 100 other guys, all that have social lives and girlfriends, and you would have no idea which one was me.

  1. People also subconsciously attach you to the value you bring. The value you bring is a clear, unique, and convincing reason why people will interact with you, let alone do so constantly. So Find ways to add value to their lives. Having In person interactions is the easiest way to stand out from countless people who text or message. People remember and favor in person interactions because of the positive vibes. If your hobbies, skills, talents align with their interests or can help them, bring it up and offer to help them. Finally, learn how to be genuinely busy in your life pursuing your goals and hobbies, while interacting with people on the side. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation and instead gravitate towards those who are self confident and well rounded in life. They want to see active confirmation of you actually doing something in your life other than just talking to them. So chase excellence, not people.

  2. So if being physically unattractive is preventing you from having friends and dating, how can you deal with this?

    For example, are there treatments or lifestyle modifications you can do to keep the rosacea under control? Can you go to a doctor to get medication for the hair loss? What other aspects of your appearance have changed since high school that you can address now?

  3. Get yourself a deck of chickenshit cards off Amazon and just go out with a buddy and play that game until you inevitably get laid. Problem solved, you’re welcome

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