Hey guys, so a little backstory is we met on hinge and the chemistry was INSANE, we just bounced off eachother. We called every single night for like 5-8 hours for a week. Then randomly she just stopped responding to me. Normally I have no issue with being ghosted because I get that it’s apart of online dating but here’s the weird part. 1. The night before we talked for 8 hours straight until like 6am. 2. She hasn’t blocked or removed me on anything 3. She has had NO online presence for the last 3 days. Also important to note we had a date planned like 1 day after she ghosted so idk if that has something to do with it. Either way what do you guys think? Is there a possibility something bad happened/ her phone exploded or am I just coping and she really did just randomly ghost?

  1. Yes there is a possibility something happened but most likely she is choosing not to respond.

  2. Listen, don’t lose any sleep over a chick you ain’t even met in person yet! Maybe her phone did explode into a million tiny pieces, maybe her cat died, maybe her phone carrier went bankrupt overnight, who gives a flaming garbage fire? The only explosion that should concern you is the one in your pants if you keep obsessing over this vanishing act!

    8 hours of phone calls?! What are you, 13? When did we start naming our pokemon and braiding each other’s hair over the phone, huh? Put that phone down and go grab a beer before your last three working testicles drop off from the suspense, for crying out loud!

    Either she’s dead or ghosting, no in between folks! Ghosting’s way more likely though, you’re not that lucky. Welcome to online dating, snookums, where they detach and vacate faster than Deployed troops breaking camp.
    Wash your hands of this motionless corpse of potential romance and move on to the next thrill of the hunt! Dating apps never run out of fresh meat, my balmy friend. END OF STORY! *cue rimshot*

  3. She got enough information to steal your identity. You should probably freeze your credit

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