I’m 30 and feel too self conscious to flirt and try to meet singles out in the wild. I just don’t know if having a gut that doesn’t overhang my waist, but does stick out slightly further than my chest I just don’t know if my current physique is an automatic turn-off and I have to start starving myself to look a little more socially acceptable, or if I’m just worrying too much. Thanks!

  1. Pro tip: You see your world through the lens of the male perspective. Thus visual stimulation and physical aesthetics are where your attention is drawn. In this case, your gut is your concern. Grow your mind, become interesting. Be healthy and creative. Live life doing things, exploring interests, cultivate skills and talents. Your gut isn’t the issue. 🪬

  2. Some people will have standards that exclude you. Some people won’t. Spend your time and energy embracing who you are and what you want and worry less about your body. There will always be people who are unhappy with it, regardless of what you look like.

  3. Please don’t starve yourself, I promise there are so many women who love that, your physique isn’t stopping you from anything! Go meet people and have fun

  4. Having a gut is a small problem not a big one…

    Being too self conscious to flirt because of your physique is a huge problem….

    Women want confidence and conversational ability over anything else. If you stand in a corner for 20 minutes and then can only muster brief generic questions when you do go over…it doesn’t matter if you are Brad Pitt. If you look like Jonah Hill but act like a confident interesting person, you’ll get interest in response

  5. Your physique might be a turn off to a woman who has decided she wants a gym bro or who puts a flat stomach high on her list of importance, but for a lot of women just having a little extra weight won’t be a dealbreaker.

    I’m not sure who you are considering approaching though so just make sure you consider if the women you are interested in would also be interested in you.

  6. You need to get in shape. Why? so you can better your odds and chances. I’ll tell you exactly why this is important. If you miss out on opportunities while carrying your gut you’ll just blame it on your gut and be harder on yourself. You’ll demotivate yourself and instead of having a positive mindset you’ll drown in a negative one. This is why you need lose the gut and better the odds. Do not starve yourself though. There are healthy ways to lose weight. Get to the gym and start prepping meals. Have discipline and stop seeking short cuts.

  7. I prefer a man to have a bit of a belly – much more cuddly. Some women like guys who are in the gym all the time and have a six pack. All sorts like all sorts!

  8. I like a little belly on a bloke. I don’t think that’d be a problem as much as how you view it, as it’s already causing you issues (self confidence etc) absolutely no reason to withdraw from dating, I know many women who don’t mind a belly. I actually prefer it over a 6pack and whatnot. But as everyone says, some will like, some wont. 🙂

  9. It might make OLD tough but this is something that can be overcome fairly easily with charisma, and like other comments said some women like a bit of belly. You’d obviously do better if you got rid of it but seriously it’s not a big deal and you shouldn’t let it keep you from flirting with ladies.

  10. I’m a 33f, and I’m a personal trainer. So long as you aren’t a lazy slob , a gut wouldn’t bother me. If your lifestyle is unhealthy, that would be a bigger turn-off than your physique.

  11. First of all, starving yourself is never the answer and won’t work long term. If it’s bothering you, just be a bit more conscious of what you’re eating and the amount of exercise you’re doing.

    Women have different preferences, some might not care, others might not like it at all, the main thing is how YOU feel internally about yourself as this is what will come through in your overall vibe and energy, and sub-communication which is what women pick up and help them determine whether they find you attractive or not.

  12. It depends on who you are asking. Someone who goes to the gym regularly may not find that attractive. Some might not care.

  13. Just start going to the gym, fasting and eating clean. Then you won’t ever have to worry about this question again and you’ll feel a lot better.

  14. Bro, I’m in my mid 40s with a gut bigger than that and I had a amazing first date last Friday with a woman who is extremely fit.

    Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. It’s subjective, and some people *prefer* the dadbod.

  15. As long as your gut doesn’t protrude out further than other… appendages. That makes for difficult relations…

  16. Please don’t starve yourself. Dress in a way that makes you feel confident, confidence is sexy. Most people are realistic about how hard it is to maintain a washboard stomach when it isn’t in your genetics and wouldn’t dream of holding someone else to those standards. Those that put a flat stomach above emotional and intellectual compatibility are probably not worth bothering about.

  17. I think it’s more important that a person takes care of themselves rather than has some extra weight. I’ve dated skinny guys that smelled like shit and didn’t brush their teeth. I’d happily date a guy with a gut that actually groomed themselves.

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