For context, I live in the Philippines and my dad lives in the U.S, and we were talking about porn addiction when he told me that if I was caught watching porn there, he would go to jail for the crime of “child negligence.” Is it true?

  1. No the only way a parent would go to jail would be if they themselves exposed porn to their children

  2. Negligence, endangering the welfare of a child, etc… have a higher threshold than kid exploring.

    Parent would have to show/ display/ play that for the kid. Of course, there’s always a batstick crazy prosecutor (or child protective services person) somewhere who miiiiight try to make that fly.

  3. What??? No….

    If an adult (including parent) is being creepy and grooming the child by showing porn to them than that’s like child sex abuse.

    But as a minor I watched porn without my parents knowing hahahah but they probably figured it out later based in the viruses in the computer and/or search history 🤣

  4. No, that is not true.

    This reminds me of a funny story, though. I was around 12 or 13, and I was looking at porn. Literally the moment that I clicked “I’m over 18” on one site, I heard sirens in the distance. I have never been so certain I was going to jail 😂

  5. Not yet but some Christian Nationalist right wing extremist nut will probably want to make it a law before to long.

  6. Not generally, no. There are situations involving porn that could be sexual abuse but you’re not going to jail because a minor in your house hopped on porn hub to rub one out.

  7. Our prisons would be far more crowded than they actually are if this was true.

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