I’m very close to my mom. I take my 65 mother out to eat or see a movie once a week. Many women can’t handle this and call me a momma’s boy and stop talking to me. I don’t live off my mom. I live alone, own a home, and have two new cars. God blessed me with these things. I go over to my parent’s house on the weekends sometimes. Sometimes this is a problem with some ladies, what do you all think?

  1. I don’t see anything wrong here. I do the same. I’ve got my own place and whatnot, but I still go over to my parent’s place to spend time with them. I don’t take them out to eat or anything like that, but we just chill at home.

  2. Yo momma raised a fine man, looked after you, and all you want to do is enjoy her company. To hell with them, momma’s always first.

  3. To be completely honest I have heard some of my girlfriends mention this is a turn off or a red flag. I notice this often stems from a fear that the mothers opinion will have an influence over your decisions about your partner. Also, some women simply do not like a man putting other women before them- even if it is your mom.

    Personally, I have been blessed in the sense that I never had this issue. I don’t care whether my partner is a momma’s boy because the moms love me most of the time. I really think women that take issue with this have some form of an insecurity in one sense or another. I see a man that respects his mother as a good sign because it shows you respect women.

    And I am not the only woman that thinks this way.

    In fact, there is a common saying : “If you want to see how he will treat you years later, see how he treats his mother”

  4. Do you also take women out on dates?

    Who do you romance more? Your date? Or your mom?

    Do you make it known that you will always choose your mom over the girl?

    There’s more to this story than you’re telling us.

  5. Yeah it might turn off some chicks that aren’t into that. Those chicks probably aren’t right for you, so who cares?

    If a woman gets the impression that you’ll always put your mon over her tho, I could see that being a huge turnoff.

  6. It depends on what you mean by close. It’s a big concern for women because they know dating a momma’s boy means you’re also marrying the mom and he may not stand up to her when she crosses the line.

  7. As long as you have healthy boundaries with her and when the time comes you place your spouse above your mom, this relationship sounds very ideal. I don’t have my parents to have a relationship with, so I would hope that if my spouse had this, I could also have that with his mother.

  8. I wouldn’t mind what you’re describing.

    However, when I think of a ‘momma’s boy’ it’s not about behaviours…it’s about an attitude.

    If a woman is smart she’ll want a guy who is attentive and sweet to his mother.

    …But no woman wants to play second fiddle to her.

    This doesn’t have anything to do with you taking her to eat or watching a movie with her.

    It has more to do with blindly following everything she says, not standing up to her, siding with your mom against your partner, etc.

  9. Most women want your world to evolve around them. My ex was like that. Fuck those kind of women literally and run.

  10. My mother passed away. I’d give anything to take her out to eat or see a movie.

  11. Based on your comments you’re definitely a mama’s boy. since you’ve been told this more than once, you shouldn’t even have to ask on here. A green flag is a guy who has a great relationship with his mom. It becomes a red flag when he always need her input. No woman is gonna be okay with playing second fiddle especially since you’re a grown man. You can say you’re waiting until y’all are married, but that’s not gonna fly bc no one is gonna stick around to see if that’s true. I can guarantee it won’t be.

  12. What happened to your dad when you take your mum out? He doesn’t like to join? Or you guys don’t get along 🤔

  13. Honestly, it is a thin line for dudes who are close to their mothers. One slip in the wrong way and it gets weird for all involved.

    For example:

    One of my exes was extremely close to his mother and has been since his father died from cancer many years ago. They’ve kind of leaned on each other to survive. His mom is a high priority for him, but in a whole different category than I was. He loved us both, a lot, but in different ways. I never felt that I was dating him AND his mom. She also sided with me when her son was wrong. Nothing is stronger against a momma’s boy than his MOMMA. Even years later, we still catch up with a chat here and there.

    Fast forward a bit to another (younger) ex who was also very close to his mom (who raised him alone). We had a lot of issues with his mom having a place in our relationship. She could snap her fingers and he would dump me. Her word was law and honestly, they had a little bit of an emotionally incestuous bond (they called on each other like they were an old married couple). Luckily, he grew up a bit and their relationship got healthier on both sides as they both became more independent. She is more now like my other ex’s mother. Instead of coddling and blindly defending her son, she’s helping refine his behavior by calling it out when it’s bad (like a mother should). We’re also better friends now because of it.

    The point is, a mother isn’t a third wheel in a relationship. She can have opinions of it, of course, but those opinions shouldn’t be law in a relationship involving her son and another woman.

  14. Seeing you mum isn’t the problem.
    Some women are just controlling and jealous.

  15. Been on the other end of this. So having a good relationship with your mom great. That’s awesome if you can have that. Now when you prioritize your time with mom of your significant other thats a huge turn off. You have to find balance. But it sounds like what you’re doing isn’t bizarre at all.

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