They’re only like 10 so not dangerous but my girlfriend is super on edge. They keep doing it when I’m out.

Go out and scare them off? Try and reason with them? Try and have a laugh with them and tell them to fuck off?

Girlfriend is scared they’ll keep targeting our house. Their parents are apparently not the nicest bunch so not sure if they’ll be of help stopping it.

  1. Kick them back. Ideally if you can get some recording of them doing it perhaps show it to their parents and let them deal with the rascals

  2. They are looking for a reaction, it’s bloody annoying but just ignore it, they will get bored. If you react it’s the funniest thing ever for them and that will sign you up for another 6 months of harassment

  3. A cheap CCTV camera in the window and, importantly, a CCTV sticker. We had a similar problem.

  4. Record them and check with local schools. Potential expulsion usually gets parents into gear.

  5. Ask a friend with a big dog to come round and answer the door. Get your friend to pretend that they almost lose control of their dog, or that the dog responds to a command such as ‘sick balls’ and watch the little shits leave skidmarks all the way home.

  6. Record them on a doorbell camera, put it on Facebook in your local group for the town for the parents to see

  7. Go round to the parents and politely and with absolutely no confrontation (almost apologetically) tell them how your girlfriend is feeling. It may be hard to swallow but put your girl first and keep it super SUPER chill. It’s worth it to avoid any further issues.

  8. If you react / try and scare them they will just keep coming back. Because then it will become a challenge and they will dare each other.

  9. Spy and wait for them to get to the door then open it saying BOO before they knock. Bonus points for raucous laughter afterwards too.

    We did it once when we were hosting a kids party with a houseful. Was very funny and they never did it again.

  10. Buy like 40 cans of beans, put them all in a bucket and when they shout through the letter box simply get your girlfriend to open the door and chuck some cold beans on their uniform. This is ideal to be done on a weekday when they’re still in uniform because it causes a minor headache for the parents cus they gotta wash it

  11. I had jip from some kids at my old house and it was super annoying and I didn’t know how to deal with it. The parents were right gobshites who shouted blue murder at the kids all the time.
    In the end I went out to the kids and just spoke to them calmly, told them I’m glad they’re all having fun but could they please leave my house alone because they were frightening my old dog. Offered them all a pack of Haribo I had left from Halloween and that was that. Always made a point of saying hi to them and being friendly afterwards.
    About 3 months later I came home from work early and caught them cleaning litter that had blown into my garden.

  12. Get a friend to stay in for you and answer the dressed up as Leatherface. With an actual chainsaw.

  13. Remind them that you’re not the borough, you wish you were and that you know there aren’t many schemes…

  14. I used to be one of these little shits years ago (ashamedly) and if you ignore them they will go away, as someone else said. They are trying for a reaction from you.

  15. We’ve had this same issue with kids from the local school beating on our door almost every day since we moved into our house last May.

    We’ve ignored them the entire time, got a ring doorbell (both as a deterrent and to get evidence of the little treasures) and they just won’t quit. School isn’t interested, so next step is non-emergency police.
    They’ve broken my front door they hit with such force. They terrify my cat and if I’m home it does make me jump too. Little sods.

  16. I had a similar problem and decided to try kindness. I went out on my porch and offered them cans of soda. It really did stop them, but one of the mothers had the nerve to show up on my porch and complain that I gave them soda and I’m a stranger. I gave her an explanation that the soda was a bribe to stop their vandalism. I was surprised when my answer made her shut up. Never saw her kid again.

  17. Are you prepared to deal with their parents in front of them in a way they would understand? If not – get a video doorbell and shame the brats on the local Facebook groups.

  18. Some would say threaten to molest em. And then the police will make sure they never come round again.

  19. I listened until I heard them coming, opened the door as they got to it and screamed at them like a madwoman.

    I’m not sure it’s the best idea but it worked for me.

  20. Makes me glad the disruptive kids round our way are too busy running drugs on motorbikes wearing balaclavas.

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