I’ll start. My friend (32f) was telling me about her friend and how she is vindictive. Apparently her friend would wipe back to front than initiate sex with her husband if he did something she didn’t like. My friend laughed which was when I new that she was not mentally well. That isn’t normal behavior at all. Uggghhhh.

  1. “You’re weird”. It’s true but you don’t say that out loud and in the crowd.

  2. I dont care about your friends.

    -I didnt walk away, I never heard of red flags when I was 16. Biggest mistake I ever made.

  3. She took all her stuff and disappeared and only told me she didn’t want to talk to me ever again when I called from a different number.

  4. Noped out of a therapist’s office when she asked me if I enjoyed being sexually assaulted.

  5. That’s pretty idiotic because hubby would be pushing her unwiped ass remnants into her vagina.

  6. I don’t like this thread because it makes me all the times a woman made a comment that SHOULD HAVE made me nope out of there.

  7. “You need to delete all your female friends from msn” (facebook wasn’t really a “thing” back them, showing my age here)
    I told her only if she did the same with all her male friends, after that she let that thought go, i shoudl’ve seen that big ass red flag but i was 18, stupid, and i was getting some.
    Took me another good year and a half to finally see all the flags and we broke up.

  8. I oncw went on a first date wherein my date gave me a list of rules, and one upped the shit out of me the whole time. Were I a less confident man, I might have felt awful about myself. Luckily I’m not, so I just felt awful about her.

    I come from a family of huggers so that was my move at the end of the date, even though it sucked for me. She stopped me and said “No physical contact on first dates. It’s a rule.” And yknow, by that point, I thought that was a great rule.

    She said “I hope you’ll call” and I said “bye!”

  9. One woman I was casually dating said that if she caught me looking at another woman, she would cut off my dick. I stopped seeing her right after that.

  10. I had a girl tell me that a man paying is a privilege’s to look manly.

    I told her ”What? No, me being kind and generous is me being kind and generous. That is a priviledge to the receiving party here.”

    And she ”No, a men need to pay to feel good about himself in front of others, otherwise he will internalises his negative emotion and be sad.”

    And I looked at her with the utmost confusion before walking away.

    This was after a third date with a girl. I usually pay because I have a somewhat high wage and I want to be kind, and while I’m not expecting anything in return, I’m certainly expecting to be seen as someone who is generous and kind, but to be told that I am ”exerting a priviledge for spending 120$ on restaurant food which taste worst than the food I cook for myself for 20$” Wtf is this?

  11. first week of talking and she asked i come to her city to meet her. it was abt a 30 min drive and i asked my female friend to drive me there since i dont have a car and she was gonna go to that city anyways. as soon as i arrive and meet her she pushes me away and says she cant be with me because i have a female friend. keep in mind i was in a city i didnt know and she just left me there in the middle of nowhere over me having a friend for 3 years before knowing of her existence. she keeps sending me fllw requests from diff accounts but just nope.

  12. She told me she wants a man that treats her like the princess her father did. When I told her that I’m not her dad and I don’t want to be, she threw her drink in my face.

  13. Gal slid up next to me at the bar and ordered two pints. She’s out of her element at this venue; clearly nervous about approaching me. Music was too loud to make sense of what she was saying, but she gets the beers and pushes them in front of me. Leans in and shouts, “Alright! Finish those and fuck me!” Her intonation was *angry*. I noped out so hard that I must have kicked up a comical, cartoon cloud of dust.

    On another occasion, this young woman was eyeballing me at a club. Had seen her around before, but often steered clear because she seemed a little off (awkward in an unsettling way, always engaging people loudly about politics). Anyway, she walks by my table like she’s on the way to the washroom. She stops and we lock eyes, and she just straight-up lifts her dress to expose her undergarments. Weird, yes. Weirder still was that she suddenly sneezed, pulling the dress up even higher to wipe her fucking nose.

    So, a little later, I’m drunk and trying to hail a cab outside. Sneeze-girl comes peeling around the corner in her beater, stops, and shouts out the window that I’m too wasted to get home and that *I have to* go with her.

    Yeah, no. Cartoon-clouded it down the alleyway.

  14. Her: “My grandmother is going on a cruise.”

    Me: “Good for her!”

    Her: “No way. She’s spending my inheritance.”

  15. Russian girl I visited told me about all of her previous boyfriends. Took about four hours. I couldn’t face the weight of expectation so made an excuse and left…

  16. I just answered this in another group. 🙂
    She looked at me and said “If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best.”
    I got up and left.
    Handle your own grown ass.

  17. She said she liked to see her boyfriend get fucked by a dude, regularly.

    That was the end of that first date.

  18. When I was 16, my coworker and I were working in a sandwich shop talking about our preferences in potential partners. She lands on racial preference and after I tell her I don’t have one she tells me that she *only* dates a certain color of men because her baby *has* to be that color because that color is the cutest. I’m mixed with that color.

    I hit the brakes and changed the conversation.
    I have nothing against people who gravitate more to one race or another, but I think there’s a line between “preference” and “fetishization”.

  19. “I want a baby and I don’t care who with”. I ran far and fast from that one!

  20. “Btw I live with 2 of my 3 ex husbands”

    Now, I seem to like dating ‘crazy’ but ***No.***

  21. A woman and I were talking in a good mood in a restaurant. A second later, the waitress bring a bottle of water and this woman started to yell her because “we were in a private moment”.

  22. “My ex did IV drugs and now they won’t let him donate blood? Isn’t that stupid?”
    …..aaaaaand I’m out

  23. Literally the minute we were done having sex for the first time, she says, “Do you think I’m crazy? … you don’t think I’m crazy, right? The doctor put me on some meds but I haven’t been taking them and I think I’ve been doing great!”

  24. I was taken home by a very attractive young lady a few years ago. After we did the diddle, I said I needed to go because I was working in the morning. She said I could stay if I wanted because her boyfriend was on his way home, and she thought that he would like some of what she’d just had.

  25. Just knew her the day before, was about to set up a date by phone and she literally told me : “later you’re gonna give me that engineer money and I’ll buy a nice BMW while you’ll be working for it”

    Yep. Nope. See ya.

  26. Was on a first date with a girl. She had a good job. Told me anyone she dates must make more money than her. I’m pretty certain i made a lot more than her. So i just enjoyed the food, listened to her ramble on about some senseless bullshit the rest of the night, dropped her off and didn’t answer her calls or texts after. Don’t give me requirements like that. That’s not it works.

  27. She told me she wanted to go to a comedy show for our second date, but also she was in debt to a local cocaine dealer so she would have to do a few deals while we were there to pay him back.

  28. I’m crazy. If you cheat on me I will chop off your dick or stab your tyres. Just kidding 😀

  29. A girl I was talking to in college once implied the career path I was studying wasn’t going to be able to provide for her standard of living, as if I was going to change my entire outlook on life to please a girl I’d known for two weeks and hadn’t even met in person yet.

  30. Was on a second date with a black woman (I’m white). She says “I wish more black men lived around here. My brothers dicks were so big growing up.”

  31. First date she told me that I needed to prioritise her over my daughter. I called her a cab and ended up having to push her out of my house.

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