So I work for a large-ish firm of sit in front of a computer type work with an open office set up. Hundreds of people physically in my office.

I want to stay at this company, and I’m not a socially uncomfortable guy. My team all likes me, everyone I’ve helped with projects on other teams likes me, and values my work. So basically, anyone I have a reason to come into contact with, I’m good.

The problem is, I’d like to be friendly with other departments, for networking mainly, you never know when you might get a call for a cool project or maybe a role comes open if like to try, and just for my own enjoyment. When I say friends, I mean work friends, I don’t try and turn colleagues into hangout on the weekend buddies. No issue if that comes about, but absolutley not the goal.

But I can’t just role up to people’s desks I’ve never met and introduce myself. Even if I did, I have no idea how to keep the ball rolling. The teams are very segregated for the most part, so it’s not like we meet or work with other departments on a regular basis.

Any thoughts?

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