I watched a video online that you should pee before and after sex. Especially for women to prevent UTI. I’m a guy and I just wanna learn how can one pee before and after sex. How does the timing work? Like how many minutes before and after sex should a person pee? Do you drink a lot of water before sex? If yes then wouldn’t it feel nauseous while having sex because of all the moving water in belly? If all the water moving is not a problem then what if the whole act doesn’t last more than 10 mins. Then what? Because you just peed not long ago. I’m just curious about the how the timing works or it doesn’t matter how long a person takes to pee after sex?

EDIT: I’m asking how this whole thing works for women only

  1. You are a guy, so your urethra is significantly longer, so your risk is significantly lower….that coupled with the fact that ejaculate is coming out with quite a force, enough to flush things out. You can pee afterwards if it makes you feel better, cleaner….timing….before bedtime.

  2. I’m usually a well hydrated individual , remember don’t just drink water, get your minerals in. I usually pee before I head out anywhere, or before a partner is coming over. You don’t want to chug a bunch of water before sex no, especially not cold water because it will slush in you, never had that happen to me but sounds unpleasant. I suggest taking water breaks with you and your partner during sex, offers a great time to make comments and check in on each other. As far as after sex, its funny because one of my partners and I just discussed this, for some reason, we naturally have to pee after sex, at least within a 10 minutes time span. I’m not sure if this is for everyone, but with all my partners we both pee after sex. Not sure if this is just a natural body response, but even if this doesn’t happen to you, then just have a bit of water before sex, during sex, and hopefully after you will have to go. Hope this helps!

  3. I’m prone to UTIs and depending on if I’m grinding a lot/it is rougher sex, I will always pee because the clitoral stimulation makes my body need to. I aim for 10 minutes before or after depending on my body (mostly after I have to pee). And if I can’t I usually turn off the lights, lean forward a little, have water running to sound like waterfall, and drink some sips of water. I don’t know why but it works like magic and it feels really good too. Like that over simulated feeling goes away after.

  4. This risk for guys is significantly lower.

    How does it work? You go to the toilet. You pee. After sex, you do this again.

    The urine helps to flush away other bacteria which can lead to UTIs.

  5. I don’t overthink it. Trying to go before is nice but doesn’t always happen. It’s the after that is most important. Usually it’s not a problem and the body just naturally has to pee after. In the rare case I don’t quite have to go yet, I’ll drink more water to speed things along.

  6. For me personally, I often feel the need to pee soon after (if not straight after) sex, whether I’ve been drinking a lot of water or not. I only pee before if I need to, but it’s not something I consciously think about or make an effort to do. I didn’t even know it was recommended to pee before! If anything, I’ve been told it’s worth holding on to during the deed… women, if you know, you know 😉😂

  7. If it’s in the evening we usually both pee before hopping into bed…do our thing and then after cuddling or chilling for a few get up and pee / cleanup…your bladder may not be full but you can usually get atleast some out.

  8. Women and men need to pee before and after sex, especially after. During sex there is significant chance that bacteria either from the mouth and anus, or anywhere near it, could be transported to the genitals through the rubbing motion. When we pee we tend to dislodge those bacteria off of the genitals and flush them out. This holds true for men as well as the male urethra has 2 functions. Also, some bad bacteria do not thrive in acidic environment and pee is acidic. Peeing would chemically and mechanically wash the urethra. As for the time to pee post intercourse, maybe within 1-2 hours is enough although it is advisable to pee within 30 minutes. Hope this helps.

  9. Imagine this…. It’s 2pm on a Tuesday… I walk up to you and ask ‘do you need to pee right now?’ And you say ‘no’. And then I ask if you could pee a little bit right now anyway. Could you? Of course you could. So 5-10 minutes before (doesn’t matter exactly how long) , and then 5 to 10 minutes after sex… do that. That’s…. that’s all there is to this.

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