Mens with self-storage units, what do you keep there?

  1. I absolutely hate the fucking self storage. My wife, and since we keep it. It’s crap that is so meaningless. I’ve shoved it in some other garage miles away from where I live but never touch it. I think we should just throw the whole thing away. What’s in my storage unit. Should I haven’t cared about 15 years and don’t even know what it is.

  2. Other than temporary storage (like during a move or renovation) there’s no reason for me to have one. I don’t own anything that I’d be okay paying $1500 per year to keep.

  3. My motorcycle, tools, a washer and dryer, spare parts for my truck, fishing gear, and some heirlooms and keepsakes.

  4. Secondary furniture. I moved from a 2bd apartment in Colorado to a 1bd in Oklahoma with the intention buying a house, and I have some very nice hand me down furniture that will be awesome in an actual house. But it taking me longer than expected. I also have a dirt bike and literally nowhere to store it in my current apartment. Ive hit some unexpected roadblocks on buying a house (major emergency costs wiped out my savings) and I’ve thought about selling the furniture and re-buying it when the time comes, but I also have a dirt bike that I won’t part with and have nowhere in my unit to store it. So I’m for an extra $30/month I have a bigger unit to store the extras

  5. I keep a Panamerica Airstream, 34ft 7inches long, 8ft 5 inches wide. Inside I have some firearms, comic books, gold, paintings and cash. Just your typical storage unit junk.

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