I’ve realized that when the conversation topic is about self-improvement, psychology, spirituality, etc., I can talk for hours. About any other topic, I struggle to last more than 5 minutes. Does anyone else experience this?

  1. You probably feel that way because it’s something you’re passionate about! That’s not a bad thing, but I understand wanting different conversational topics. I find the best course of direction when talking about something unfamiliar is asking the other person more questions. For example, I known nothing about sports, but if someone I’m talking to likes them, I’ll be like “oh what’s your favourite team? How are they doing this season?” They aren’t the most nuanced questions, but it can branch off into other topics. I think it’s great you’re in tune to this though, because those kinds of conversations are super fulfilling. You should try and see if you feel that kind of passion on any other topics and maybe go from there

  2. Fucking stop talking about self-improvement for a goddamn minute! It’s annoying as shit listening to people prattle on endlessly about optimizing their productivity, mindfulness, gratitude, and other whole wheat healthy living nonsense 24 hours a day.

    Shut up about your podcasts, online courses, journaling, meditation, yoga, keto diet, and reading more books for once. We don’t give a damn about unlocking our inner potential or living our best selves.

    Talk about anything else for fuck’s sake – sports, TV shows, music, movies, news, really any topic other than personal growth and development. We get it, you’re working on yourself, now please talk about anything else or the rest of us are going to develop an irresistible urge to improve ourselves straight into an early grave.

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