I was in a friendship recently but was forced to cut things off because some bad things happened and I was made the scapegoat. Now it feels like I had friends just because I didn’t want to be alone. I have been alone for a long time especially when I was a child so it was not something I wanted to go through again. I tend to be quite adjusting in my friendships which might have been the issue tbh since I was not able to take a stand for myself. That probably caused all the issues in the first place. Surprisingly, I can talk to strangers easily and have no problem taking to crowds of people. I have done compering and debating and can talk to large groups of people.

TL;DR I want to make good friends and learn how to maintain the friendship ,most importantly. How to choose the right person to befriend? How to go from being a stranger to being a friend since in most cases, they just end up being someone I talk to once and then that’s it.

  1. I’m in the same boat. I’ll have a grace period of about a week where I’m joining discord servers, sending dms, etc. but following that, they all ignore me. After a certain point I’ll snap; leaving the servers and blocking dms. I’m not sure why, but I almost always ruin a connection I have with somebody. It’s mostly because I get jealous. I want a 1-1 friend, but it’s so hard when people are already invested in their current friends. I try to be funny, witty, etc. I’m a huge nerd and have a lot of impressive things to show; but what does it matter when I’m the on one cheering?

  2. What are your interests or hobbies? Find groups related with that or like-minded people. There are apps like Eventbrite or MeetMe. If you like boardgames for instance see if there’s a boardgame shop that hosts events you can try.

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