We’ve been seeing each other for 3 months. Every time i’m with a friend, without fail, she will ignore me for hours by not replying to my messages, yet is actively speaking to other people and speaking in gc’s etc, and if she does eventually reply she seems very off. Our replies are usually pretty speedy and nothing would change that so it’s completely unusual. My first thought is jealousy as i know she is a very jealous person, and i guess in that scenario she’d be jealous considering i am a lesbian and hang out with female friends, but surely there’s no good reason for her to act this way over my good friends i’ve had for literal years. Unless i’m in the wrong by hanging out with them and just can’t see it? some advice/thoughts PLEASE?

TL;DR , my girlfriend ignores me/acts annoyed/off whenever i hang out with friends, is it jealousy?

  1. She’s being manipulative. Stop trying to contact her when you’re with your friends. It’s proven to be pointless.

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