Most foreign tourists go to the same few places.

Is there anywhere that really has little or nothing of interest to offer?

  1. Obviously places like New York or California will have more than other states, but I wouldn’t say we have any with little or nothing. The least visited states are in the middle

  2. Every state has an amazing number of exciting places and things to do and see.

    But the answer is Idaho,

  3. On one hand there are no completely uninteresting places on Earth, and America is chock-full of amazing natural beauties as well as quaint and charming roadside attractions even (and especially) in less-visited states. On the other hand a foreign tourist is likely to have limited time.

    Personally, if I had less than a year to spend in USA I would skip Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, both Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, Arkansas, and Wisconsin (in fact, skip Wisconsin twice).

    Missouri gets a visit because of Red Oak II and the WWI museum.

  4. Nebraska. Maybe Iowa now that I think about it. Absolutely nothing comes to mind with these states lol. Just flat voids filled with corn.

  5. My vote is for Mississippi.

    If international visitors want a beach, they’ll hit Florida.

  6. North Dakota comes to mind, but I’ve never been so I don’t want to be unfair to it.

    Been to 36 states and my personal least favorite was Indiana.

  7. Don’t come to Texas, at the current rate you’d be lucky to leave alive. I’m just sick and tired of the gun violence.

  8. Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas. Flatter than pancakes. Nice people though. Ohio because it’s Ohio and everybody hates Ohio.

  9. As an American who would like to see all 50 states at some point, I think most foreign tourists would stick to the coastal states (East and West).

    These is always something interesting to be found if you have time to explore, but I wouldn’t recommend anyone coming to the US as a tourist to go to the middle. (Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska etc)

  10. Texas, good history but the state is too wide spread. You can drive 12 hours at 80mph and still be in Texas. The food is probably the best in the nation bc we have so many immigrants from all of the world but if you want to visit Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and South Padres that’ll take up most your time for very subpar items.

  11. I have nothing against Rhode Island, but it simply isn’t big enough to contain anything interesting to a foreign tourist. Unless you’re really into touring the summer homes of long-dead Gilded Age tycoons, you can skip it.

  12. The number of Germans I’ve met (I live in Germany, so it’s a lot) who want to go to Kentucky and Tennessee is astounding. The ones I’ve met that HAVE been there absolutely loved it.

    Many of them want to see America and experience that, not the tourist attractions.

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