Orgasm block?

Idk where to post this or what to do so I figured I’d take a shot in the dark. I’m a 24 year old female, and I’ve never orgasmed during sex and I don’t understand why. I’m trying to find the problem. I can orgasm fine with toys by myself. With my partner, and past partners, I cannot. The problem seems to lie with me. I love sex, everything my partner does feels incredible. I just, can’t come? We could be at it for several hours and I can’t let it happen. This is a newer relationship and he knows that, and it isn’t a problem for us however I would still like to learn what I can do about it. Is it a mental block? I try to relax and let it happen but it just doesn’t. Toys will make it happen sometimes but I don’t want to use them all the time. I prefer it just me and him. It’s not what he isn’t doing, it’s what my body won’t let me do if that makes sense. Could it be desensitization from toys? I feel broken lo please help. I’m happy to answer any clarifying questions.

  1. Honestly it’s an emotional issue not a surface level or physical issue. You need to feel SOOOO comfortable with your partner to even get to that point.

  2. i was having this same issue for several months. it was definitely a mental thing for me and it most likely is for you as well. something abt sex is making you unable to be 100% comfortable and fully let go and immerse yourself in it.

    where do you typically find your thoughts drifting to when you’re having sex? i used to put alot of focus on the orgasm itself but eventually i stopped focusing on that and when it was going to happen and instead started focusing on the feeling i was experiencing in the present moment. closing my eyes and more dirty talk from both me and my partners also allowed myself to freely fantasize and gave me the mental stimulation that i’ve come for realize i need on top of the physical stimulation. best of luck

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