2+ years ago was when I last heard from someone who I knew in college. They were the only one to reach out to me during the lockdown portion of the pandemic. I only had them on Snapchat, but soon after I deleted Snapchat because I no longer had any use for it. I unfortunately forgot to get another form of communication from the person before my Snapchat was permanently gone after 30 days.

Since then I’ve had absolutely no luck in finding them on any other social media. There’s like no trace of them at all. It makes me worried that they might not be alive anymore or something like that. I know some people just don’t have social media, but they at least had Snapchat so I was hoping they’d also have either Instagram or TikTok, but yeah no luck.

I’m not sure what I would expect to happen if I did end up finding them again, but I might not ever know now. All I can do is just hope they’re alive and safe and doing well.

  1. I got swept up at work for months between training at a new stressful job and being exhausted I did not give my friend the attention I should have and he killed himself drunkenly speeding on a motorcycle when he was deeply depressed. Still miss him.

  2. This guy I met at a party once. I was dating someone else at the time but I knew the relationship was starting to spiral down the drain and it was only a matter of time before we broke up.

    My boyfriend immediately abandoned me after we arrived at the party and I struck up a conversation with a guy near the drink table. We had 10/10 chemistry and at least in the moment I felt like sparks were flying, but I didn’t pursue anything since I was in a relationship. After my boyfriend and I did indeed breakup a couple weeks later, I was never able to find him again. All I knew was his very common first name and the large town where he lived, so nothing really to go on and the only people who might have been able to point me in the right directions would have been my ex’s friends.

  3. I had a crush during grade 11 and 12. And she started asking me if I was gay. I later figured she probably had a crush on me, or someone else that she knew did. I know of the phenomenon so to speak. But she never told me why she bullied me with that and that is an unanswered question for me to this day. It would just be weird to contact her and ask by now. It was in 2012 or so. But we would probably have not been a great match. So I’m not losing sleep over it.

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