I had an idea growing up that I’d end up together with a girl like Kristen Stewart in the film Adventureland (2009). I’ve been on many dates and with many women since then, yet no woman measures up to the woman I want. It seems hopeless. Every year I get older, and the dream of meeting a girl like Kristen Stewart (and experiencing the nostalgic college romance seen in Adventureland) seems to slip further and further away.

But I don’t want to give up. What should I do? If I can’t find a girl like Kristen Stewart in my town, should I just ask the real Kristen Stewart out directly – do you think she’d accept my date?

  1. I’m not sure if this is a troll post, but to answer your question, maybe just keep searching until you find somebody that closely resembles her? I know I’ve certainly met people that resembled past girls I liked and that makes me drawn to them

    But you’re likely better off opening your mind and stop chasing fantasies

  2. Kristen Stewart has identified as gay for several years now and is engaged to a woman. So I’m pretty sure if you asked her out she’d say no for a number of reasons.

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