What do you do when you’re feeling lonely and have no one to talk to?

  1. Watch anime..it’s my guilty pleasure..and i do it always..cause i always feel lonely

  2. I have an imagination, I always have somebody to talk to. Sometimes they even talk back to me.

  3. ChatGPT has been helpful in that regard. I just started listening to an audiobook, it’s helpful just to have another voice around.

  4. Go to bed and dream. Or write. I find that writing is a good way to speak out your feelings without somebody being there to hear it. It’s like creating your own monologue

  5. I go to the bar and talk to people, most people are a bar want to talk and the ones that don’t are pretty easily identified.

  6. Don’t suffer about it, bored and lazy may not feel most comfortable but much healthier than suffering. Have faith in new normal, get used to it, move on and enjoy life

  7. Find hobbies: I picked up writing, painting, lifting, cycling, yoga, reading (used to hate it), Lake walks.

    I’m introverted so I find comfort alone, but I do talk to people randomly even if it’s small BS. Keep your mind preoccupied to prevent yourself from questioning to the point of posting on Reddit.

  8. I usually journal. It helps to feel understood or listened to sort of. Get all your feelings down on paper, and you’ll feel lighter. My feeling of loneliness comes in every few days, but journaling helps for sure

    After I do things I enjoy, gaming, reading a book or get cozy and watch my favourite films with comfort food!

  9. Generally just go out for a drive/ride/ coffee. Drives me mental sitting at home doing nothing.

  10. Play games / watch something / go somewhere for a walk or ride, in other words, getting myself busy to avoid the problem.

  11. I enjoy the silence. The peace and quiet. If there’s anything I’ve learned about being a man, it’s to get used to being lonely.

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