Help! I don’t know how to act around my crush

So my (25F) brother’s best friend (27M) was my crush for the longest time. Every time I talk to him, I feel giddy and happy. He used to stare at me a lot and acts weird around me i.e, doesn’t talk to me a lot but when he does, he acts cocky/hard to get, tries to get my attention in a subtle way but then teases me about wanting to get his attention. He sometimes flirts with his eyes as well. I used to overthink a lot and read too much into it but he never asked me out, never told my bro to bring me along in their hangouts, nothing. Ofc, I felt played and hurt and decided to distance myself (only greet him if necessary). However, he’s coming with us on a trip for a couple of days and it’s gonna be hard to avoid him entirely. What should I do? When I distance myself my feelings go away but if I’m in close proximity to him I’ll go back to liking him which I don’t want to.

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