Hey everyone,

I’m (20M) sure this type of question has been asked numerous times, but I was just wondering if I could get an advice for my specific case.

So I met this girl through same class in college last year, and hit it off well as study buddies first. After the semester ended, we went out a couple of times, doing activities such as a walk in the park, ice skating (held hands at her request), golfing etc, and every time we meet up it was always just the two of us. To note, we never used the term ‘date’ when asking one another out, so I assume she has been seeing it as a simple hangout. But I want to take it to the next steps if possible, and am planning out to ask her on a proper date the next time I see her. Because of our busy schedules though and having no mutual classes anymore, we have only been able to meet up once every few weeks (the last time we hung out was a few days ago at a driving range) and we are planning to meet up again in a couple of weeks once college semester is over.

As mentioned above, we have planned to go for a hit of tennis after studying in the next couple of weeks, and my plan was to ask her out before dropping her off (I usually give her a lift back to the main station that would cut her travel time by over half). The only problem I see is that as she has to quickly get off when I drop her off (to not miss her bus and traffic behind etc), I feel like it won’t be an appropriate place/time to ask her. Should I ask her during or maybe just text her after we meet up?

TL;DR: Want to ask out a girl I’ve been hanging out with alot to a proper date, asking for advice on how

  1. Yes better do it soon thou.

    I think you can get the idea if shes willing to say yes.

    Some guys are oblivious to that kind of stuff thou

  2. Personally, I would call her (call, not text) before tennis and just ask her out on a date. That way the tennis hang out isn’t weird where you are trying to work the question into a conversation. If she says yes, then tennis is still a fun hang out. If she says no, it’s not in the middle of a game and then you still have to drive her somewhere (super awkward).

    Good luck!

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