I constantly have the same experience of women looking at me with disgust, turning their nose up at me, being needlessly dismissive of me, thinking I am a scheming and especially untrustworthy person, or just outright threatening me. I simply don’t understand why that is the case. What kind of mannerism, stare, tone… could give women the impression that I’m a shady person, or someone to especially avoid?

For the record, I am not flirty or anything, I am a married man. My wife isn’t sure as to why this happens, which is why I’m curious to get opinions on here, to compare with what I actually do and see what I could change to be less unpleasant to be around, especially as I plan to work in a female-dominated sector.

Also, to be clear, it is obviously not every single woman I encounter who reacts to me like this. But a good 3/4th, I’d say. As for men, I’ve never had a similar experience.

  1. I’m sorry you go through this and you seem genuine. This is all from a woman’s perspective!

    Women tend to be distrustful of men a lot of the time unfortunately. It’s due to justified reasons (most women have consistently been treated poorly by men), but it can be terrible. Men on the other hand tend to be less judgmental as they have less reason to be wary of others because women are more in danger in smaller community/one-on-one scenarios. Some of this may be due to physical attractiveness (unfortunately it is a tendency in all of us to treat those of the opposite sex we deem as attractive with more respect, though it manifests differently in men), but your mention of thinking you’re scheming and untrustworthy seems to indicate something different altogether. Usually when women are just creeped out by men they don’t view them as particularly malicious or anything, just gross and annoying. You haven’t really given details about your personality though so I’m not sure. It could just be that you can be blunt or harsh, or may come across as having a chauvinistic attitude about you. I’m not accusing you of genuinely being these things of course (I don’t even know you lol), but I think it’s important to recognize how (understandably) wary women tend to be of men they don’t know well, though this often results in unnecessary meanness and social exclusion.

  2. Can you explain how you know that women think you’re scheming or untrustworthy? Are they telling you this? And how are they threatening you? Are these women strangers?

    I realise there are a lot of questions there!

  3. Look at your body language, vocal mannerisms.

    Might also have a case of resting bitch face or an emotionless voice. Anxiety also can screw things up.

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