As a UI/UX designer I know time is limited for this career, as is the same for most office jobs. I’ll probably go back to print / printmaking, but would love to be a park ranger and working out of a truck in the woods most days. Take advantage to being cut free by the robots to live a more human life.

  1. God I can’t wait for the robots to take over UX/UI. If I see one more web app where I have to deal with 40 notification mails and click away 30 info bubbles that have nothing to do with what I opened the app to do, I’m gonna do something regreattable.

    Anyway my backup carreer is anti-AI terrorism.

  2. As a Delivery Manager mine will likely disappear at some point or I’ll then be managing people managing AI tools.

    However, I’m not sure if the job I will be doing when AI does take over exists yet. In terms of if there are little to no office jobs left/are all uninteresting to me I think id like to make furniture by hand.

  3. My job is already making sure the automated processes don’t break.

    AI isn’t outright replacing everything, but I worry for Gen Z who’s going to have a hell of a time finding an entry-level job, because those are at most risk.

  4. General purpose AI is like a more sophisticated version of Google. It’s not going to be taking over any desk jobs that require actual deep thought.

  5. I am currently training AI. It’s either that or we recruit a few hundred more of me.

    If this bit of my job gets automated I’ll just move to a different department. This techy shit is a specialist role in addition to my actual job.

  6. my workplace is still a decade behind modern software development standards, no way ai is taking my job there anytime soon

  7. My backup career is rambling homeless guy.

    Or anti-technology cult member. I don’t have the charisma to be a cult leader but I think I’d do well as a fanatical follower of a good leader who will let me wear cool robes and hang out with people who get along because we can blame all our problems on tech companies.

  8. My job is actually more threatened by cheap Indian contractors than AI. I really don’t know what else I could do; I’ve been looking for a new job off and on for the last 6 years and there’s very little out there for me. Most things would drive me to dig my own grave and lie down in it.

    Maybe the guy who said anti-AI terrorism has the right idea.

  9. I think ChatBot will end what’s left of my professional writing career. I’m just trying to hold on for as long as I can. Not sure what I’ll do when that happens.

  10. My job is working on airplanes that are so old we don’t even have electronic parts lists for them. My job is gonna be around a LOOONG time

  11. AI probably won’t take over your job, but someone who’s familiar with AI and is gold an using it probably will.

    My focus has been on getting up to speed first so I become more valuable earlier. When the cuts start, I’m staying and the people at the bottom who thought “I know enough, I’m invaluable” will get cut first.

  12. Swedish copy/marketing guy here who due to the Swedish markets love of leaning heavily into all possible tech has begun thinking about this on an almost daily basis.

    I’ve always wanted to be a tilapia farmer. Ever since I was a kid, basically. If I have the funds to buy and convert a barn or two then that’s what I’d do. Tilapia farms have begun popping up here in Sweden and it’s a good, sustainable way to farm fish without harming the environment *or* the people consuming the fish. So that would be my ideal backup plan.

  13. I’m curious to know why you think park rangering ( 🤣 ) can’t be automated. Splain?

  14. Homemade boom boom maker and raging AI hater. Wait until I find their mainframe.

  15. > As a UI/UX designer I know time is limited for this career,

    You just have to adapt and make the AI part of your job, making you 10x more productive. People will hire that over some automous AI that constantly makes dumb mistakes because it doesn’t actually understand conceptually what a UI even is.

    As a software developer myself, I welcome my AI overlords. I will bend them to my will.

  16. I do freelance developmental editing anyway, and that isn’t really something that AI can take over. Understanding plot lines and emotional beats can’t really be trained in most genres. (Although some areas of romance and very long-running series could probably just be entirely automated.)

  17. I do property maintenance. I think it will be some time before they can send a robot to diagnose and repair all of the things that i do

  18. I have a day job which will definitely get taken over (banking) but I’m also a personal trainer with an mma gym.

  19. So I already made the move. I trained to be a carpenter, and then decided I should be more and went to university and then got a real job with a big company and moved up to being a director. For various reasons I didn’t want to do that job plus I could see it being replaced so now I have my own construction company.

    While eventually a robot can maybe be a carpenter it’s going to be a while. I figure I’ll be retired by that time.

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