Me (M26) and my friend (F26) who ive known fkr a year, recently admitted to having feelings for each other. Due to some circumstances that could possibly mess up the friend group we haven’t taken the next step. We discussed it but i was headed out of town for work and agreed to talk more when i came back.

Her and i have talked while ive been out. She has shown alot of interest even telling me how much she loves hanging out with me. During one of our phone calls she mentioned how her roommates parents are coming to town and she wanted to do something that weekend but her roommate was going to be busy. I told her we could hangout that afternoon if she’d like and she agreed and showed interest. Few days later during one of our calls i mentioned it again and said when i was back we could just get drinks and she liked the idea.

Yesterday her roommate texted me telling me about a cookout she (the roommate) will have for her parents. It is set for the day and time me and the girl are going to get drinks. I knew the girl was working all day so i assumed the plans were made without her but i imagined she knew about it.I texted the girl telling her how i got invited to the bbq and that i was cool with either scratching our plans, or going to get drinks and arriving to the bbq late. The girl only texted saying she (the girl) was the one who made the plans for the bbq.

A big part of me is like “whatever. I wish she wouldve communicated that better with me but its not a huge deal and its not like we had actual set plans. It was more like we will plan it when im back”

A smaller but annoying part of me is like “damn i dont mind you planned it but you couldve just sent a text letting me know.” Recently Ive had bad luck in dating where girls lose interest even before a first date so i admit this could be me overreacting a bit and wondering if this recent bad luck is happening again. Its not the end of the world and the time ive known her she’s not known to be a great communicator but has tried improving on it.

Am i just overthinking and should forget about it?

  1. You didnt have concrete plans and eventually got invited to a BBQ she is jointly hosting. Go to the bbq. Bring a little gift for the hosts, (food, wine etc), be a good guest. Hang out with her and have fun, then, when in person, lock down an actual time and place to go for a date.

    Life happens sometimes and it sounds like you’re making a big deal out of nothing.

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