So today was my boyfriend and I’s 1 year anniversary today. Lately we have been going through a lot of downs, and even briefly broke up and he was going to move out. However, we came to the consensus that we should do couples therapy as we both really care about each other and had a big trip planned for Hawaii.

Now today was our 1 year anniversary and things have been at bay. What I’m struggling with is I did something very sweet for him, we had a good time, and ate a lot food, yet at the end of the night when I show him a photo collage post I made – he neglects to post it or do anything with it. And I say “do what you wish with that picture” and eventually flat out saying later in the night if he was going to post anything.. we used to have tons of pictures of each other on social which has since been archived due to the brief breakup, which he hasn’t brought back even though I’ve brought it up.

Am I overreacting for being hurt he doesn’t want to share me on social media, especially since it’s our 1 year and I made a special collage for us? I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t want to post it.. despite everything.

I wasn’t posted on my boyfriends social media for our 1 year anniversary, despite my concern and how it made me feel. He used to post me in the past but now doesn’t seem like he cares..

  1. Is posting on social media the barometer of how your relationship is going? Perhaps he’s not feeling secure in the relationship and this is how it manifests, given you broke up once already and have decided to go to couples counselling.

  2. Most guys arnt addicted to social media like that.

    Does he treat you good. Yes or no. That’s pretty much all u should care about.

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