so I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like people seeing me cry, I’d rather go cry in a bathroom or somewhere quiet. and today I didn’t do well in a class presentation so I went to the bathroom to cry, I was in there for a while crying and then when I left the bathroom I went to class and put on my normal face, I was even smiling and texting my cousin.

Then one of my classmates, he’s really nice and we mostly talk about movies and nothing really personal. He came up to me and he’s like “are you okay? Did you cry” and I was so touched because nobody else noticed because I was smiling but he did. We went somewhere quiet and I cried and told him the reason, but it was really nice to have someone that noticed and it’s nothing big but I wanted to share it with you guys.

*edit – sorry for the title guys, I meant to say touched my heart

  1. I gotta be honest I thought this was like a violated boundary thing.

    But yeah this is great to have someone who cares.

  2. I was tricked by the title first but when I read the story I was happy to hear that somebody touched your heart and carred about you.

  3. Am I the only one who didn’t take the title the wrong way? Lol. What a sweet guy, you should totally talk to him more though!

  4. It’s ok people face even big problems than this I know some people are emotional and it’s really kind of that person who understood what u were feeling.

  5. People like him are rare and have a gift where they can sense when someone is sad even if they’re smiling 🥺

  6. These Reddit pervs automatically think you meant physically “touched” you on a Social Skills sub. Dorks.

    That’s good that someone noticed. Don’t ever think your emotions are experienced by just you. What you put out there sends ripples through the space/time continuum and you never know who’s going to pick up on it. Kudos and I hope you feel better about your experience.

  7. Update: the friend just texted me now with a really cute message about how he thinks I presented really well in class. It’s so adorable! I think it’s possibly made using chatGPT cause the quotes are still on, but who cares it’s super sweet and he’s TOUCHED MY HEART again

  8. Having someone notice during a time of need is so appreciated. I’m happy that someone was there for you when you were feeling down. I always remember in college when I was having a really bad day and I was in a fight with my boyfriend (now husband). I couldn’t help but cry while I was walking to class and I just had to stop and get it out. Some random girl walking by stopped, asked if I was okay, and sat on the bench with me until I stopped crying. She didn’t say another word other than wishing me a good day. Those moments really hit differently.

  9. Wow, unexpectedly wholesome. There must be a special connection there that made you open your vulnerability to other person like that.

  10. We came in with worry, and we’ll go away with relief and happiness, myself included. Take care OP

  11. The title set my mind up for something different. It’s good when you know someone’s out there caring for you. It doesn’t happen too often but it’s something that lights me up too when it happens.

  12. Am I too innocent or are people just this ill minded? I did not think a single thingwhen I saw the title until I read the post edit…

  13. I didn’t know girls cared so much about those little things, something similar happened to me. I noticed my friend from work looking for medicine and was going around asking people if they had any. The next day I greeted her and asked her if she’s feeling better. She was confused so I told her I had seen her looking for medicine the other day and she was surprised and told me she was looking for medicine for her friend who was sick at the time. She is very loud and after explaining that to me she said “AWWEE YOU’RE SO SWEET THO!!” I just see everyone turned around looking at me, I blushed because I wasn’t expecting her reaction.

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