Would a girl being taller than you prevent you from dating her? Why or why not?

  1. Nah, I’m shortish to begin with and personally it doesn’t make a difference at all

  2. Nope. I’m 5’10 though so it likely wouldn’t be much anyways. It’s the only time a few inches off doesn’t matter.

    And frankly? If we get along enough and the are like 6’5+? Can’t say I haven’t fantasized about that a few times and

  3. No. I ain’t that picky. I’d maybe be a little insecure about it but whatever, I’ll get over it real quick if she’s actually into me lol

  4. If she’s taller she’s likely bigger, so it may be harder to get her up on the table saw.

    But being bigger, should have thicker rings which would make it easier to get an accurate count.

    On balance, wouldn’t prevent me from dating her and may even make it easier than dating a shorter girl.

  5. Prevent? No. But I can see it being a persistent thorn in everyone’s side that ends up getting in the way

  6. Yes it would.


    Because any woman taller than me is going to be a WNBA all-star. And I’m not about that.

    I already hit my head on door frames, and would have to remodel my entire home.

    On a serious note: nah. I don’t give a rats ass.

  7. Yes but only because I’m tall and that would make everything uncomfortable as far as living space.

  8. Historically, yes, because she didn’t want to be with a guy who was shorter than her so she rejected me.

  9. No, but Jesus, I’m tall, not extremely, but well above average, statically speaking, any female taller than me is within 3% of women on the planet. That is a tall woman.

  10. No, every girl should be taller than every man. The human race would be better if sexual dimorphism were reversed and increased.

  11. It wouldn’t bother me, it would be helpful while shopping, she can reach the items on the top shelf.

  12. No. Every guy has probably fantasized about dying via snu snu at least a time or two.

  13. I dated a woman who was taller than me, and a couple that were close enough that they’d be as tall, or taller when they wore heels, so they may as well have been taller than me. Didn’t really ever think about it.

  14. No, I’ve done it in the past, and my wife is just a touch shorter than me, and I’m on the shorter end of what is considered tall.

    In short, long legs and torso are sexy.

  15. No , a women taller than me is not factor for prevent dating her. i dont care if she is taller than me or same heigth.have a tall girlfriend have amany of advantages.

  16. Yes, I won’t date a person noticeably taller than myself. Call it insecurity or whatever you like – I don’t care – but I prefer a girl to be not significantly taller than me. Like a couple centimetres difference is fine (because it won’t be too noticeable), but anybody 5+ cm over my height is a no-go.

  17. There are many factors that prevent me from dating.. and the height isn’t one of them.

  18. *”Would a girl being taller than you prevent you from dating her?”*


    *”Why or why not?*”

    Because I’m (and the vast majority of men) aren’t self conscious about the height of a potential mate.

  19. Me personally, don’t care.

    When a guy says yes, he is insecure. But when a woman demands a taller guy or says that they won’t because it is embarrassing or “no heels”

    “Yasss queen”

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