What kinds of foods could a woman cook that would make you fall in love with her instantly?

  1. None. She could make the most amazing food ever conceived of and it wouldn’t matter if our personalities don’t match and we don’t have anything in common

  2. Cookies. My gf made them for me on our second date. Married her 6 months later. Been together 9 years now and two kids.

  3. Steak and Potatoes. Salmon and rice. Pasta with creamy sauce. Burritos. Spicy Indian food. Thai food. It won’t make me fall in love, but it will get my attention.

    Don’t neglect the beer and wine.

  4. Something like “what do you want to eat?”. Cooking alone wouldn’t be enough for me to fall in love with a woman. I’d need more effort, need to see her true personality, and sex needs to be on tap.

    I remember with a past gf we had our first date in the mountains to see an abandon house. Prior to date two she asked me what I liked to eat. She ended up showing up to my apartment with groceries and cooked a feast. Afterwards she cleaned my kitchen and organized a few things too. I didn’t ask her to do any of that, she realized the caliber of man I was and put in effort to stand out.

    People might say cooking isn’t how love works, but let’s be honest it’s really that easy. Actually for most guy’s they don’t require that much. If a lady is nice and friendly that’s enough for most guy’s to be in love. Let’s be honest lol

  5. Great cooking is only 1/3 of the equation. Keep his belly full, his nuts empty and add to his peace. That makes a man fall in love.

  6. “The real way to get a man is with melted cheese and cream of mushroom soup. He’ll die at fifty, but his love will be true.” -Mary Cooper

  7. I have 3 categories for food. Category 1 is stuff I can cook (burgers, pasta, etc..). Category 2 is more effort but not too complicated (like baked chicken with candied yams)

    Only category 3 foods count to impress. It’s multi-step foods and desserts, russian Medovik cake for example. You know she had to put the effort and be focused on getting it right

  8. Anything really cookies, chicken, her favorite thing to make etc. The effort is sexy a lot of ladies don’t even know how to cook these days or know and refuse. I learned to cook myself was tired of the sandwiches and bachelor easy foods but a women who is willing to cook to try and win me over mmmm sexy she is into me and I’m into that lol

  9. I’m fairly solid in the kitchen, and enjoy cooking myself. With that being said I can’t think of anything a woman can cook to make me instantly fall for her.

    But the ability to bake a solid loaf of bread, cookies, just baking in general puts out big wifey vibes in my opinion.

    Anyone can cook a steak or make spaghetti if an amount of effort is put in. Don’t get me wrong, There are dishes that require knowledge and skill to do right.

    But bread requires patience and care to make a good loaf, Both are attractive qualities in a life partner in general. So it would highlight her values as a person to me.

    Plus little four handprints on an apron are just adorable.

  10. Vegan lazzagna. Current gif made some for the whole gang cause I’m vegan. Guess who’s still in love.

  11. to me, the spirit the gesture (cooking) is given in means so much more than the thing the gestures itself produces.

    she wanted to cook, just for me? aight, sold.

  12. My wife was delivered by a mutual friend with homemade chocolate chip cookies. Married her (not the friend) a year later. Stayed together for 42 years. I never turned down anything she cooked. It was all delicious. Lost her in 2021. B.T.W. I’m really not picky about what kind of cookies a girl might show up with. 😉

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