How would you feel if a date invited you over and they didn’t own a TV?

  1. Depends what you planned on that date, make sure you’re no just relying on watching movies. But I wouldn’t care

  2. Depends what we’re doing on the date. If I’m invited over for movie night I’d probably wonder how we’re going to watch it comfortably without a TV…

  3. I don’t own a TV lol. And I will add showing up to somebody’s place and them turning on the TV is probably my biggest turn off. My clitoris will literally recede inside my body I find it so awful 🙂

  4. I wouldn’t judge them but I enjoy watching movies, TV shows and I also play video games so I would think we might not have much in common.

  5. i probably wouldn’t notice. i have one but i genuinely can’t tell you when i last used it

  6. We probably wouldn’t have a lot in common. I’m quite interested in film.

  7. The only reason I own one is cause my parents bought it for me. I’m def not judging anyone else

  8. If they have a computer they don’t need a TV, but I’m a movie buff sp I’d probably have an issue of it was by choice. That’s just me, though.

  9. They don’t own a tv? That’s cool, I don’t care.

    They go into a long pretentious rant about how they don’t need television in their life and start talking shit about the industry I’ve worked in for 25 years? I’m going to walk away.

  10. I didn’t own a TV until I was 29, but I watched plenty of Netflix on my laptop before then. I lived in small apartments and owning a TV just wasn’t a priority. So I wouldn’t have been bothered by this at all!

  11. I wouldn’t care much, on the surface, but I would be interested in what he does instead.

    I don’t watch much TV, mostly movies, and usually as background while I’m doing other things. I’m equally happy with music or a podcast. If there’s no TV bc he games instead, that might be an issue.

  12. Depends on what the date intails. If we are meeting to have dinner and talk I’m down for it. If it’s to discuss books and art totally ok.

    But if it’s a movie night I would hope they have some way to watch it cause I do not do Netflix & chill

  13. I enjoy film and curling up on a rainy day for snuggles and a movie marathon. But, I would find it refreshing. He might actually spend time with me. What a concept. Lol.

  14. I really don’t watch tv but I own a tv. Maybe they have a projector?

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