What is your favourite way to let someone know ‘I love you’ without saying it?

  1. “143”

    As a kid watching Mr Rogers on PBS, I remember him showing that 1-4-3 could represent ILY. It was a family thing growing up – my parents would sign notes with it, write it on the bathroom mirror, etc. I have shown this to many of my friends so it is very common that I get or send texts that simply say 143 in some form.

  2. I give little gifts. Nothing crazy expensive, but if I see a thing that makes me think about someone I love, I’ll get ’em something.

    That’s not the only way I tell people that I love them, just one of the ways I do it without speaking.

  3. I usually tell my husband that he sucks and he’ll say he loves me too. This is of course only done in a joking matter and it’s always in over the top situations. Like, I ask him if I can have a polar bear as a pet. He says no and I say he sucks. It’s a silly game of ours.

  4. Folding laundry, doing the dishes, giving his dog a bath. Acts of service maybe? I don’t live with him but I stay on weekends and try to help out.

  5. In all the things I do for them, get them a gift or candy they like, bake them their favorite dessert, make a nice meal, or just take care of them in general.

  6. Cooking their favourite meal or buying random things they wanted to get.

  7. Gifts. Picking up a little treat for my husband when doing regular marketing, sending flowers to a friend just because, sending my mom the quilting fabric she told me she shouldn’t buy, having my dad’s favorite whiskey at my house, that kind of thing.

  8. my love language is cooking and doing things or gifting things to others. I enjoy receiving the same, to know that I meant something to someone that they took time out of their day to write a text/note/phone call etc etc or do something like come help me around the house or help me with chores (I am disabled and try to keep as on top of things as possible, but it’s difficult) makes me feel very loved indeed.

  9. My husband knows I love him when I yell out the door and lie about an important phone call so he can escape from a talkative person who won’t leave.

  10. “As you wish”

    Or at least it worked that way in “The Princess Bride”

  11. Listening to them, asking how they are, doing something without them asking like helping around the house, bringing them food or even giving them a massage after a long day.

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