My wife comes up to me this morning and says “Want to see something horrible?” so I was like “sure” and she hands me her phone playing a recording of a local news broadcast in a state far away from us. I start watching and it is about an older man who was brutally stabbed to death in his home. Then the suspect’s photo pops up and he has the same last name as my wife’s maiden name but it is not a name that I recognize or we have ever talked about. I kind of smiled and said “what the heck is this guy related to you?”

So then she starts yelling at me and wagging her finger saying “I debated even showing this to you, I knew you would react this way” and telling he how inappropriate my response was. So it turns out her brother had texted her the link and it was one of her cousins who was murdered, she thinks perhaps by his own son (she’s not sure and had never heard of the suspect before. This is a much older cousin and not one that she has any contact with).

I told her this was ridiculous, a complete ambush, and I would prefer that she had come up to me and started with one of her cousins had been brutally murdered and asked if I wanted to see the story. I told her she can feel free to judge me by what I said and especially what I said after she told me the actual story, but I do not appreciate being judged by my facial expression. She is insistent that by smiling I was so out of line and now she’s giving me the silent treatment.

Please reddit tell me am I losing my mind?

  1. WHAT THE HELL!!!!

    I can’t even begin n yeah it’s an ambush . Did she do this often??

  2. This is stunningly immature, I would never put up with it. Also stonewalling you, that is a form of abuse. MC or else OP, do not let this go.

  3. She’s a whackadoodle! That’s totally outrageous.

    As a woman I’m embarrassed by her ridiculous, childish and manipulative behavior.

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