I was seeing a guy about a year. He made it clear he only wanted fwb and that he would be moving out of state at the end of the year. I was OK with this at the beginning but after a year of hanging out 4 nights a week I got feelings. I do know he had other girls come visit him at times so I wasn’t surprised when he turned down anything more committed after I told him my feelings.

He now has moved 7 hours away and has been texting me every other day wanting to come visit.

I asked that he not text me anymore so I could move on cause the casual was hurting me. He gave it about a week and then started texting again like nothing happened.

Do I block him?

TLDR: My (34f) fwb (37M) would commit but wont leave me alone?

  1. He ignored your boundaries. He has no good or serious intentions with you other than to have sex with you. If you want casual sex while he looks for someone he thinks is better, go for it it. If not, absolutely block him.

  2. I’d say warn him first if you want to remain in touch, but otherwise, just block him if he won’t respect your boundaries

  3. He is a user and doesn’t respect you. Tell him it’s over, block him, and find someone else.

  4. Remind he again what type of relationship you want and if he doesn’t want the same and still wants to text you then block him.

  5. He’s 37, at that age and after the time he’s spent with you, if he wanted to settle down he would have by now. Save yourself some hurt and just block and move on.

  6. He’s not considering your feelings, just wants to smash. Block, block, blockity block.

  7. How are you 34 and still letting things like this happen? He was clear with you. Move on.

  8. if he isn’t willing to commit then don’t waste your time. if he really cares about you, he’ll be up for committing to you and won’t just string you along. let him know how you feel and see what the response is, after that, it’ll either happen or you’ll just have to move on to someone better.

  9. If you ask someone for something reasonable and they don’t listen, cut them out.

  10. Yes, block him. If he had any respect for you, he would respect your wishes. The fact that he doesn’t mean he’s confident he can abuse your feelings for you. Please do yourself a favor and block him.

  11. If you really wanted him to stop bothering you, you would have blocked him already. It’s hard to let go and let the small bits of attention he throws at you. You deserve more than just bits and pieces.

  12. I was strung along one time, and I did not like the feeling of being used. You would wish you got out sooner

  13. I think he is hoping you change your mind. Maybe you are one of his “Favorites” with fwb. It happens a lot where feelings come into play. I feel you are doing the right thing. Ignore him now.

  14. Someone’s the brain plays dirty tricks on us like when we have feelings and someone is a shithead to us if can convince us there might be something else going on like feelings… But sadly that is not the case here. He is just using you

  15. Block him. He’s just bored or lonely and wants attention from you. He does not care about you.

  16. Yeah you should block him. He’s shown he’s unwilling or unable to respect your boundary (of not texting you), so you need to enforce it yourself.

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