Suppose there was a Solar radiation storm so big that it causes an EMP so big, it ruins all electronics. Cars, trucks, computers, electrical grid all fails. What happens?

  1. I’d be wondering what happened the whole time because I wouldn’t be able to go on the Internet and find out

  2. Pretty much all white collar office jobs would demand a lot more effort from employees, and there would have been retraining of many workers who have had relied on computers to carry out their duties. Hospitals around the country would have been in panic mode because medical equipments need power to function. National defense would have been in high alert to prevent sneak attacks by our foreign adversaries. Bank tellers would have been overworked, and record keeping and retrieval would have been much more difficult. There is a lot more I don’t have time to write; our life is so reliant on electricity and power that without them, the chaos and inconvenience would be unimaginable, and would cause the country a lot of money, resources, and lives.

  3. We just had this happen in 2020 because people thought that a cold was worth destroying the entire global economy. The results are supply shortages and massive inflation

  4. “It’s the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine (It’s time I had some time alone). It’s the end of the world as we know it. And I feel fine (I feel fine).”

  5. No electricity means no refrigeration, meaning food quickly runs out. Mass failure of automobiles means food isn’t delivered to cities and towns. Water distribution is spotty as well. Add those things together and you have a recipe for breakdown of law and order on a huge scale. People who bought 12 AR-15s and 45000 rounds of ammo thinking they’ll just bug out to “the mountains” quickly realize that all of that gear is the same thing as a neon sign over their heads saying “I have cool shit, please don’t murder me”.

  6. One Second After by William Forstchen is about this exact scenario. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture.

  7. I’m not going to answer WRT the systems that you asked about, but something that no one ever seems to consider: folks who are cut off from their drugs for mental illness or other conditions.

    [The CDC says 13.2% of Americans are on antidepressants](, and that’s just one of many mental conditions being treated via drugs. Folks suffer from depression even with drugs, imagine if those drugs just disappear. There will be a large proportion of the population which may very well not be able to help themselves or others, or go on living, just from this aspect alone (absent all else already going on).

  8. Looks like I might actually get my firearms out of storage and it’s going to be time to test out whether I can get the hand pump attached to my well head.

  9. I love these questions that basically boil down to “if this bad thing happened, how bad would the thing that happened be?”

  10. Just imagine the purge except all laws are still technically in place. Stores would be stormed due to restocks being extremely difficult. All bank accounts would basically be useless. After some time, people would be fighting each other for resources.

    Some people like to think people would come together to help each other, but it’s survival of the fittest at this point. We are so accustomed to our way a life and EMP that did that would completely end it and we would have no idea what to do.

  11. There’s a great book about this called “One second after” by William R. Forstchen

  12. I have a feeling I would finally get to shoot off those 1,500 rounds of 45acp I bought on sale six years ago for target practice.

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