Picture attached, it was very delicious but I’m not sure what makes it American Style. Is it the added mushroom and garlic?


  1. The fake cheese sauce and over abundance of preservatives? Idk. That’s my guess.

    My dude, can I recommend washing your hands before eating? All those preservatives don’t make you immortal, no matter what they tell you.

  2. I have never seen mushroom and garlic flavored mac and cheese anywhere in stores or on a menu.

    The is “American Style” because of reasons unknown to me.

  3. Did you just fall down on your bike? It looks like you gingerly dipped your hand in tar.

  4. Like a lot of things marketed as “American style” in foreign countries, there’s nothing that makes it American style other than the fact that it is mac&cheese, and is in fact somewhat different than what you’d buy in the US.

  5. Does anyone other than Americans make “Mac and Cheese”? Maybe it’s just inherently american regardless of other features

  6. In my experience, anything in foreign countries that say “American Style” or just “American” is definitely not American.

  7. Well it has a picture of the statue of liberty on it, and the color theme sort of matches the American flag. Otherwise 🤷‍♀️

  8. Garlic and mushrooms are absolutely not “American Style.” I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of such a thing here.

    Which isn’t to say it doesn’t sound tasty. It certainly does. But that’s just because I’m a curious eater. I don’t know any American that ever makes their Mac and Cheese that way.

    So I’ll go with “marketing bullshit” on this one.

  9. Looks to be a marketing tactic. Most americans will would point to Kraft Easy Mac Original Macaroni & Cheese or Velveeta Original Shells & Cheese as what is most common here. I have never seen mushrooms added period. Not sure if I have ever seen garlic. I have seen Bacon. As far as in restaurant I have seen lobster and on occasion hatch chilli peppers.

  10. Maybe the cheese? The garlic and mushroom seem weird though, not something I see when getting Mac b cheese from out. Not something I’d make myself either. And wtf is that low fat!? Disgraceful!

    Also you got a bit of oil or dirt on your hands, not sure if you noticed.

  11. The person calling it that. Otherwise nothing, that is not a thing here. Someone over there just made it up themselves and decided ya I’m going to slap a little red, white, and blue on the container and call it American style that should get people’s attention and want to try it.

  12. Added mushroom and garlic makes it a bit fancy, but not “American Style”. I think it’s just a thing they said for marketing purposes. (Even Kraft mac & cheese, we share with Canada, who insist theirs is better because of course they would.)

    Also- are you okay? Your hand looked scuffed up.

  13. I guess this was their version of Kraft but it’s definitely not “American”. If it came with a packet of powder, they are trying to be Kraft. If it came with a packet of sauce/cheese/goo, they are trying to be Velveeta.

    Mostly I think it’s a marketing gimmick though because it’s definitely not American

  14. It’s not. In Germany, Dr. Oetker brand has “American Style” hotdog pizzas which I’ve never, in all my years, seen in the US. As a rule to live by, you should always assume that “American Style” written on any product is a marketing gimmick and it can’t be trusted.

    I think you should avoid products with state names as well; Texas, New York, California, and Kentucky for example. In Germany, New York pizzas have corn and hollandaise sauce on them at some restaurants.

  15. As an American who has traveled overseas several times I can say with certainty that if a food says that it is “American Flavor”, “American Style”, “Authentic American” or just “American” it’s something we have never seen before.

  16. Labeling it American Style, putting the American flag, and a pic of the Statue of Liberty is what makes it “American Style”

    The actual Mac n Cheese isn’t American Style, Garlic and Parmesan is a way more common combo in the states anyway.

  17. Nothing other than the representation of the American flag, and the Statue of Liberty. I have never seen garlic mushroom flavor anywhere before now.

  18. Mac and cheese and broccoli Mac and cheese would not at all be out of place the US.

  19. I’ve noticed in Lidl anything that’s unhealthy is labelled American style for some reason

  20. Having lived in Europe for a few years, what makes it American style is the marketing department adding something to it they associate with Americans. Even if it has no actual relation to America. “American” vegetable mix because they added corn, blueberry juice with an American flag on it, a knock off clothing brand called uncle sam selling cloths that definitely aren’t anything I’d recognize as distinctly American….

  21. I don’t know what that is, but my moms Mac and cheese is as follows:

    Makes a white sauce out of flour , butter and milk. Add your spices – garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, smoked paprika, mustard powder, salt, pepper and chilli flakes.

    Then add your cheeses- Cheddar, Swiss, pepper jack, Gouda, and provolone, mix all of that and turn it into a cheese sauce, then add some hot sauce and mustard for added flavour but to also help with cutting all the cheesy fatness.

    My mum would also add butter, cream cheese and sour cream to the pasta before adding the pasta to the cheese sauce.

    Then combine everything into a giant backing tray, add more Swiss and cheddar cheese on top, back in the over , last 20 to 15 minutes take it out of the oven. Add a bread crumb/Parmesan and herb topping on top and back in the oven Again.

    You can always add chicken, lobster or crab if you want.

  22. Not even close. Just get normal macncheese and maybe cut up hotdogs I’ve seen that before and that might be an only American thing

  23. You need Kraft! The only quick Mac.

    Homemade with a gazillion cheeses is best, otherwise it’s all about the Kraft

  24. I feel like European food companies love adding “American style” to things that aren’t American at all because they think people are more likely to buy it. But then you always hear about Europeans making fun of American culture so I’m not really sure if their marketing departments are onto something or not.

  25. That’s not American style! It has low fat on there:)

    If you read the ingredients and it doesn’t actually mention ‘cheese’. That is probably the American bit. From what I understand, “American Cheese” can’t be called cheese in Europe. Here it’s not a cheese, but they can still use cheese on the packaging.

    It’s like a by-product of the cheese making process. So the crap that gets thrown out when making cheese…

  26. I assume someone in marketing just assumed calling it “American Style” would help it sell better.

    I’m always baffled by American aisles in foreign grocery stores and such. I’m not saying we necessarily always get it right but I think most of what we have in Italian or Asian aisles would be pretty identifiable to people from Italy or Asia.

  27. Marketers who feel like calling it “American style” will make it sell better. That’s it. I’ve never even SEEN mac and cheese with mushrooms lol.

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