Please let me know if this question would be better posed elsewhere!

My husband has a stutter that seems to be getting worse (used to happen rarely, now it’s 2-3 times every conversation). I honestly hardly even notice it, but I know it weighs heavy on him and is the root of some self confidence issues. When he stutters, I usually don’t acknowledge it, let it pass, and just continue listening to him the same as I would if he hadn’t stuttered. When he brings it up, I tell him the truth, which is that it’s not very noticeable in conversation, and I am supportive when he talks about how it affects him.

Is there something else I should be doing? I don’t want him to think I’m ignoring the stutter or downplaying it, but I don’t know how to avoid that without drawing attention to the stutter every time it happens. If you had a stutter, how would you like your SO to treat you when it’s flaring up?

1 comment
  1. > If you had a stutter, how would you like your SO to treat you when it’s flaring up?

    just continue listening to me the same as they would if I hadn’t stuttered.

    Sorry, I know that isn’t too helpful, but unless he wants you to do something when he stutters, that’s really all you can do IMO.

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