Trying to make sex better for me and my long term monogamous partner. I understand that everyone has a different experience with condoms, but the difference for me is night and day. I barely enjoy sex with a condom and I’ll often just get bored or lose my erection.

To make it worse, I have a large girth, so my options are pretty limited. Everything sold in US stores is automatically off the table. And as far as I can tell, they just don’t make thin ones in my size that I can buy online. Lambskin condoms aren’t sold in my size either. Hormonal birth control is off the table too.

Worth nothing I’ve masturbated maybe twice in the last 2 months so it’s not the “death grip.” ED is not the problem because I’ve literally never had a problem condomless and the sex is great.

I’ve tried putting a drop of lube in the tip and it helps a bit but i still lose my erection sometimes.

  1. Try non-lubricated condoms with just a little lube added to the inside tip. It feels more ‘real’ to the shaft, which can help with overall sensation. Then add lube to the outside as needed.

    You end up sliding against the vagina instead of against the lubricated condom.

  2. There are also condoms with studs in them to help better simulate the inside walls of a vagina if you aren’t feeling much.

  3. Most commercial condoms are all the same size. Doesn’t matter if they say XXL or Magnum on the box.

    I had the exact same problem for a long time. Go online and order custom condoms. I use ONE. You get a dick measuring kit, and voila!

    It’s still not the same as going raw. At least now I can actually enjoy sex with condoms without having the condom restrict the blood flow to the point where I lose my erection.


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