What’s your worst drinking story?

  1. Limencello. I’ve never felt more toxically hung-over on so little alcohol.

    It was one the data points that led me to stop drinking.

  2. I can’t remember of course, but once I eg was so drunk that I had forgotten that I had been thrown out of a bar already and walked back in again (you must know that this was a little joint, some student’s bar and the owner was a bit of a bully who had thought that I injustly had abused his services/he had invited me treated me before, overly much and, in his estimate, I hadn’t duly paid him back, so had unfairly thrown me out into the snow)

  3. a classical one is that I was so drunk that I thought that the floor was the ceiling and, with all my might, tried to cling on to it cause I was afraid to fall off (this is maybe a drunken meme, have heard it from one other person, too)

  4. Last night I drank more than 1-2 beers for the first time in years, I feel terrible this morning.

    I called my new gf and cant remember what I said which is the worst part, I think I just asked if she liked me or something dumb fml.

  5. Spent several thousand on a night I only remember half of and destroyed one of my oldest friendships – Still hurts years later

  6. Not me but, my friend has BPD and while she wasnt diagnosed drank a lot and went through an episode. During the night she, attempted to hug a skunk because it was cute, broke down crying because of her original misdiagnosis, blacked out and puked then cried again because she didn’t remember getting blacked out.

    Fun night.

    Love you hun lmao.

  7. I blacked out 3 hours not knowing what I did, turns out I message someone some things I had to apologize for in the morning

  8. Eh, that one time I drank 1.5 litres of vodka, because I couldn’t stand a stench of a cow corpse I had to gut and dismember. And to overcome the anger and uneasiness, as that was my first and only experience of doing that.

    It was my first time drinking alcohol too..

  9. In my blackout haze I thought I was dreaming and played chicken with an on coming car, thankfully my buddy pulled me outta the way

  10. Work mates wanted to see me drunk, Idk what happened the room started spinning was holding onto chair,threw up all over their living room floor, the went unconscious they carried me to spare room I woke up with shirt off and sick all down my.chest and had work.. in morning mom took me to work while I was throwing up out the car door, all through the shop floor still throwing up while asked to mop it up, I was mopping it up then throwing up from the pure vodka smell of my sick I don’t touch drink anymore I think I could of died that day

  11. Finally after years of waiting… me and my buddy got tickets to see Ozzy Osbourne when he finally came to my city. For months we were giddy with excitement about the show. The night of the show… we started pre-drinking and got very very drunk and kinda umm… lost track of time. By the time we left my place we were beyond trashed and we arrived at the stadium JUST as it was emptying out after the show. Thousands of metal heads were walking way in the OPPOSITE direction of the stadium. Me and my buddy were like “that’s weird. Must be some prior unrelated event.”

    Then it slowly start to hit us… we missed the entire show. We both started freaking out. We entered the stadium determined that we were gonna see the show. But we both knew it was over. We were both too drunk to truly comprehend the gravity what had happened. But let me tell you… I’ve never had such a horrible drunkenness before.

    We decided to make the best of the night and to go back to my place and to drink more lol… basically drink our sorrows away. Just by chance… Ozzy WAS doing a second show the next night. We got his girlfriend to buy us tickets from a scalper (at about triple the cost of our ORIGINAL tickets) and we drank for the next few hours.
    I don’t even remember my buddy leaving. I woke up on the floor in my living room probably drunker than I’ve ever been in my life. I had the spins… and I may or may not have puked a few times lol.

    The next day… the night of the second show… I woke up so hungover all I could eat was honeydew melon as I prepared to go see Ozzy!!! My buddy came back to my house that night… and we forced ourselves to have a few drinks before the show. We got a cab to the stadium about an hour before the show and limped into the arena both hungover as fuck… and finally got to see the show we’d been waiting to see since we were teenage boys lol. But we were both physically and mentally scarred. Yay OZZY!!!

  12. Blacked out at a friends place, next memory is throwing up in a taxi and cab driver kicking me out, blacked out again. Woke up in my bed covered in vomit, with no memory of how I got home. Hung over for two days and a couple of friends wouldn’t speak to me for months for reasons I still don’t know.

  13. This memory actually resurfaced tonight while talking to my sister. I was 13 or 14. My dad and his family and their friends and I were all at Lake Powell. One of the nephews of a family friend stole his AIDS patient mom’s morphine and gave me some. The my dad gave me a beer. I drank it. Then he gave me several more and I drank those. I puked off the side of the houseboat. My dad laughed at me and called me a pussy. Probably that.

  14. Southern Comfort, interstate service road Travelodge, 500 pound woman and projectile vomiting

  15. Either trying to piss out of a closed window, or the time I had unprotected sex with a woman I met at a bar hours before.

  16. I’m never drinking absinthe ever again, the hangiver wasn’t otherwise that bad, but the 48 hour out of body experience while still having to appear normal was caused me existential dread.

  17. I was 22 , anxious and angry a bunch of my friends and i did shots … few hours later im shaking like a fucking leaf thinkin ima die

  18. I’ve woken up in the gutter by the road. I’m guessing I fell over and took a moment to gather myself before getting up and crashed out.

    I’ve woken up wrapped round a tree in a random garden on the walk home. Assuming I went behind it for a piss then stopped for a rest.

    I’ve gone to bed and had someone else turn me over because I was choking on my own saliva.

    I’ve gone to bed and woken up with the pillow stuck to my head with vomit.

    I don’t drink much these days.

  19. Me and some friends were just walking down the street and a bunch of Indian guys were hanging out on their porch and called us up as we walked past. They asked a mundane question (kind of a “settle this for us” type question) and that lead to us hanging out with them all night. We all passed a gallon sized bottle of wine around and drank from it.

    That’s the last thing I remember, but the girl we were with didn’t drink as much so she told the story the next day.

    My friend and I tried to do a chest bump and missed and both threw ourselves onto the ground. I dropped my cigarette and tried to smoke it backwards. I had to move my truck from the street to the VERY narrow space in the driveway and somehow managed to do that without damage, but I puked out the window (still the only time I’ve ever puked from drinking). I woke up completely naked in my bed and still never figured out why and I had zero memory of the night.

    Also, my cousin (who I lived with) said she spent like 20 minutes stressing about what was leaking from her truck when she saw the puke stain in the driveway.

  20. I went out drinking with my friends

    Then 12 hours later I woke up in a hospital with a severe alcohol poisoning

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