What are your big sister tips for life?

  1. Always trust your gut. If your stomach is telling you something isn’t right, then trust it. Stomach is always right

  2. Pick your battles, not everything is worth stressing over in the long run.

  3. Not caring about what other people think of you. You will find so much more peacefulness and happiness within yourself if you chose to ignore the opinions of others.. ❤️

    Being worried about what others thought of me destroyed my confidence for a long time. I eventually discovered that the opinions from the most important people in my life mattered the most.

  4. When you’re drinking alcohol make sure you’re drinking water.

    Wear sunscreen, for real getting moles removed isn’t a fun time.

    Make sure your bra is actually the size you need to be wearing.

    If you’re seeing red flags on the second date end it, it’s not going to get better.

  5. If your date mentions any history of fighting, drug use, or generally immoral behavior (this can vary from person to person), dump them.

  6. Don’t leave your drink unattended. Take it everywhere with you and maybe even cover it with a hand when it’s not right in front of your eyes!

  7. Dont care about what others think of you. If they are assholes, they are not worth your time

  8. get your god damn pap smears. seriously.

    my ex cheated on me and i’ve been struggling with hpv and abnormal cell growth for coming on to four years now. don’t make my mistakes.

  9. Pee after sex, even if it’s just a couple of drops. It helps to flush bacteria out of your urethra.

    Sunblock every day.

    If someone you don’t want to talk to is calling or texting you multiple times and you finally respond, what they have learned is that they need to maintain that level of intensity. Your silence is much more effective and powerful. Block them.

  10. Be kind to tomorrow you. It’s in your best interest.

    Find the right shampoo and conditioner for yourself. The right combo or combos exist!

    Use a silk pillow case.

    Use sunscreen daily. The right lotion exists and is worth it.

    Use birth control. There are non hormonal methods.

    Wash between your toes.

    Save. 3% sounds like a lot when you’re already broke. Do it anyway. It takes time, but you’ll get there.

  11. Go to therapy, work through all your issues and keep growing as a person.

    No is a complete sentence.

    Learn a little psychology- when you understand behaviour (yours and others) it helps your decision making and can save you endless drama and conflict.

    You are enough, always.

  12. Take life as it comes,because you never know what’s tomorrow going to bring.

  13. fuck it, you only have only one life and it’s not worth stressing about it too much

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