Why do you love rainy season?

  1. I absolutely love the sound of it. It helps me sleep, it helps me relax. And honestly, having sex in a rain storm is super hot.

    There is nothing really bad about it if you ask me.

  2. Because it’s not hot and I get to wear my hoodie oh there’s less people outside

  3. The sound, the smell, the lights reflected in the puddles, get to dress all cozy and eat soup… its comforting. Its usually cold, and I love the feeling of that cold sting on your cheeks when the rest of you is all rugged up. I love watching the rain fall, and gather and drip off of leaves, and… Just everything about it.

  4. Because then I’ll have a legitimate reason to not go outside if I don’t have to work that day. I can stay in bed, watch a tv show and force junk food in my face without feeling guilty because the weather is nice. 😂👌🏼

  5. I love rainy weather. There’s something about it I find comforting. I also like the sound of rain on the windows/rooftop when I’m sleeping.

  6. Excuse to not leave the house, I don’t feel bad for staying home and also if I want to go out there’s less people outside.

  7. I enjoy rain when I’m inside. It makes a soothing sound, brings a nice smell, and can cool down hot weather.

    I generally despise rain when I’m outside, especially if it’s already freezing outside or if it’s enough rain to get my shoes and socks wet.

  8. I am a Florida native but moved to Colorado 6 years ago. I miss the rain the most. It doesn’t rain much here in Colorado at all and I haven’t seen a solid rainstorm in a very long time. It feels almost foreign.

    I enjoy rain a lot because it’s so relaxing and calming. I find so much solace in it. Reminds me of home.

  9. The smell,the excuses to leave my house and it gets really cool in the rain especially if you live in hot weather

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