I witnessed my cousin beat some one nearly unconscious for calling him a “white boy”, when we went out in Cardiff. He had been through a lot of stress at the time (he isn’t even that white, not really pale white anyway).

I’m utterly amazed by the fact that the police refused to get involved or bring any charges. The guy he beat up was a lowlife, but it was a fairly open and shut case of ABH. To this day, he has no criminal record (not even a caution).

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  2. To be honest, fair play to your cousin. If the shoe were on the other foot it would be seen as racist and everyone would be applauding him for beating the guy up. What that guy said was just as racist and hopefully will think twice before saying offensive things like that again.

  3. Not quite like that, no… but I have had a seizure on a night out (thanks, epilepsy) so that was pretty shit

  4. I mean, not as bad as yours but this one was weird. Years ago I was out with a group from work, including one girl who shares a surname but is not related to a well known crime family in our city. We were in a cheesy 80s/90s disco place and our group got speaking to a group of guys and it was all well and good until they somehow found out her surname. I’ll admit that I was far from sober and just trying to have a nice dance to the Macarena so I have no idea what actually happened but suddenly I’m getting dragged out of the bar by my friends and told we need to leave immediately because apparently one of the guys was from a rival crime family and people were on their way to the bar with guns?! I still am pretty confident it was all bullshit because what an absolutely wild escalation to have happened but yeah. Went out to drink cocktails and try and remember dance routines I learned in primary school, ended up legging it down the street away from the threat of some kind of gang warfare.

  5. Coming back from a club in Bristol after doing a load of pills, feeling like John lennon or something and then got mugged by a group of chavs with knives.

  6. Randomly got punched in the face on the way home. And by randomly, I mean randomly. No idea who the guy was, had had no prior interaction, he hadn’t gone to the same place etc. Just some dude totally off his face taking a swing at the first person to pass him in an otherwise basically empty street. It was at least a crap punch.

  7. I was having a great night out with my boyfriend and his best mate. Great music, drinks flowing, everything was good.
    About 1am, I went downstairs to the loos, felt a pinch on my waist. Thinking it was my other half behind me mucking around, I turned with a laugh and was promptly grabbed and sexually assaulted by a guy I recognised from being around the bar area. I managed to fight him off and ran back upstairs. Was awful and totally fucked the night up.

  8. Years ago when happy slapping was a thing we’d been out with a few friends and it was a really good night and we were just about to head back to a couples house to order some takeaway and have a few more drinks when out of nowhere we heard someone say “now!” And then some bloke full blown smacked one of the women in the group in the face. She was knocked clean out and as she fell she smacked her head on a bench and started fitting.

    The guys who did it seemed in disbelief that people were mad at them and just kept saying “it’s only a happy slap”. The police and ambulance came and my friend was taken to hospital with a fractured skull. She made a full recovery but it was close to killing her. The guy who did it got less than a year for assault or abh I can’t remember.

  9. Yes, I saw my best friend get beat up by a gang and was hospitalised. Luckily, his injuries were not too severe.

    I also ended up in hospital for drinking too much and injuring myself.

  10. A friend of mine years ago decided to bring another random friend with him to one of our lads nights out after college. This friend was a blonde girl who had hung out with us once or twice before but never when alcohol was involved. A few hours into the evening she disappears to the bathroom shortly afterwards we all get kicked out of the bar and the police were called. Turned out she was underage (16 to our 18-19) and had been on antibiotics so the vodka-oranges she’d been slamming back all night had knocked her out, she’d passed out in the bathroom so we were suspected of slipping something into her drink.

    Nothing came of it once we’d given our side of the story to the police but we all sobered up fairly sharpish and made sure to age check any random friends that were brought along on any later sessions.

  11. Christmas Eve 1983 – most of us slightly underage. We weren’t in one of our usual pubs but in one on top of a hill overlooking the bit of town most of lived. It was brilliant night, everyone happy, one guy going round patting everyone on the back wishing them merry christmas. Well past midnight we’re getting ready to go and rather than fight through the crowd one mate dives into the other bar to go for a piss. He’s back 20 seconds later ‘We’re leaving NOW someone’s been stabbed’. It was the guy wishing everyone merry Christmas – as he’d patted one lad on the back the lad had spun round stabbed him in the gut and legged it.

    As we attempted the world record for the nonchalant walk we passed about 30 blokes from the pub going back up the Hill. The story we heard later was that the lad with the knife had pissed off the wrong people and when he got slapped on the back he thought his number was up. The police found him in a ditch half-way the hill having had the living shit kicked out of him. The bloke who got stabbed survived and I half-remember him showing the scar off some months later.

  12. Yeah. Especially in late teens – early 20s, many nights out would go sideways by someone starting shit.

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