I 14F met this boy 14M around 4 months ago and right off the bat, we both were sort of into each other. I showed signs that I liked him and he did the same back, but then there came a point that only lasted a few weeks where he was just straight up ignoring me. During this period, I got really upset that he was ignoring me and I pretty much lost feelings for him. Recently, he came back, and he explained that he was ignoring me because he wanted me to stop liking him because he felt like he didn’t deserve me, he also confessed to me and asked if he could be my boyfriend. I knew that if I told him I didn’t like him anymore it would break him. So I said we could date. But I honestly just feel nauseous thinking about the fact I’m in a relationship. Relationships have sort of always grossed me out, but I thought this time it’d be different. It wasn’t. What do I do?

  1. If you’re not enjoying being in a relationship you need to break up with him.

  2. 22F My first relationship was the same at this age omg!! Honestly I look back at it and laugh, and I promiseeee you, you will too, eventually. Dating is meant to be fun, and you’re not having fun. Take care of yourself. Tell him the truth.

    I’ll tell you what I did all those years ago. I waited for lunch, knowing I got a pass to go to the orchestra room during that time. Sat down next to him at lunch… “Hey, I appreciate you, but I am not interested in dating anyone!”.. then I RAN FOR MY LIFE to the orchestra room. That’s all it took. xD

    Rooting for you OP!! You can do it!

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