How do you know if someone has a p*rn addiction?

  1. It interferes with their daily life. Like they’d rather sit at home and jerk it then go out with their friends, for example.

    Never mind that I personally think it’s a horseshit “addiction” myself, but I recognize some people are just sick. If it wasn’t one thing, it’d be another type of deal.

  2. If it is having negative effects on other parts of their life and they continue watching it anyway

  3. Well, the way you recognise that someone has an addiction to *whatever* is basically that *whatever* takes over their life and they do *whatever* compulsively, even though it has negative consequences for them and their relationships.

  4. I could be wrong but I think if someone is always overly rough in bed and keeps doing positions that are popular in porn but uncomfortable in real life, that’s a telltale sign. Everyone has kinks but if someone can only get turned on by their specific kink especially if it’s extreme, that’s another sign they may need a break from it.

  5. It interferes with their daily life and relationships with others. It is negatively affecting them but they are unable to stop. A consultation with a therapist would be one good way of determining how damaging the situation is currently and finding ways to cope and mitigate their urges and negative effects.

  6. I think it’s important to distinguish between an addiction and a habit. If they’re addicted, them they’re staying home to watch porn instead of seeing friends, they’re late for work because they’re watching it or they watch it in unsuitable places. Basically it interferes in day to day life.

  7. When they only say things porn stars would say. In terms of compliments and things during sex. Or expecting porn star tricks in bed.

  8. If you even have to ask this question, that’s a pretty huge indicator that they do have one.

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