So basically I use to be extremely insecure like you wouldn’t believe growing up – I saw very little of myself, felt inferior to others, took a lot of shit, and thus have been constantly used and mistreated by others. I’ve only recently started feeling self-confident through a lot of ‘self-therapy’ if you will (I’m a psychology student and I’ve basically been using CBT on myself). I usually feel very prideful, full of hope, and driven nowadays – but I’ve noticed this has caused me to react EXTREMELY aggressively (almost violently) and totally unforgivingly towards people who disrespect me enough with no good reason. I can’t seem to just ignore such people – and I find it impossible to let go of a grudge (though I should note none of these dicks have apologised so far – so idk how I’d handle an apology yet). Is this really a healthy way to live? I should note that I always try to be in my best behaviour and I’m never out looking for trouble – it’s just that when trouble comes, I become a ticking timebomb for disaster, and I’ve already had multiple large outbursts even in public which created scenes.

  1. Sounds like you’re not *really* confident. Not yet at least…
    Keep pushing, you’ll get there!

  2. Aggression is a normal part of being a male, it means you love yourself. Stand up for yourself, you will regret not venting out your aggression.

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