What was your best happy cry?

  1. When I went to work and was able to manage the counter by myself with two call outs. Felt a bit empowering for me considering I had been facing somebacklash from a coworker for snapping on them after they were belittling me.

    I was really proud of myself because it was also a rough day going in knowing it was the anniversary of my best-friends last day in the store. 🙂

    I thought for sure people were hoping I would fail but I was able to put my best foot forward because of the support I recieved from an anomoly. 🙂

    So I am was verry hap py.

  2. Seeing my parents again for the first time in months after living abroad. I had just gotten off a 15-hour flight and saw them waiting at the baggage claim with flowers and I lost it.

  3. I am still a student, doing work for my professor in clinical psychology for extra knowledge, I once developed a treatment plan for a client and it worked out perfectly. The client went into termination (which is a good thing in counseling), and my professor said, I did my job in helping the client. I was so satisfied I cried eating my lunch.

  4. When my current employer called me to say I didn’t get the job I applied for, because they saw too much in me and offered me the job a level above it. I had been doubtful about myself because I was just a junior in the field of work and my previous two jobs had existed of people constantly breaking me down or not taking me seriously.

  5. Oh wow that is a good and challenging question!

    I don’t think it’s the best ever, but the first to come in mind is:

    When my bestie surprised me with having made two of my favourite cakes (which are both quite time consuming to make and she’s a very busy person) + got her husband to make my favourite meal. I had been feeling like we were getting more distant from each other and that she wasn’t making time for me in her life anymore. Then when I visited a couple of days after my birthday she had done all these things. <3

  6. When all I ever wanted was to feel welcomed and accepted. Someone did. And everything they were saying to me brought happy tears to my eyes.

  7. Last year, after seeing my favourite band live for the first time since the pandemic started. Everything was just perfect, I met so many great people I’m still in touch with, I was at the front and got a guitar pick at the end, and when I came back to the hotel I just broke down completely and sobbed for a good 20 minutes.

    I struggled *a lot* with my mental health during the pandemic due to everything shutting down. Live music has also always been my biggest passion and love in life, and losing it completely overnight took a huge toll on me, and I was certain society never would go back to how it was. So being back there after 2,5 years, and finally experiencing all those things I thought I’d never get to again was very overwhelming, in the best way possible.

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