what do you think is the most significant challenge facing men today, and what can be done to address it?

  1. Men specifically? The proliferation of really bad aLpHa mAlE influencers preying on the collective listlessness of modern society.

    But that’s a symptom of more general malaise that is hurting women as well in other ways.

  2. The average men are having a difficulty keeping up, in terms of social economical success, compared to the majority of women today.

    Since more women are pushed towards having a career and financial success, more women are reporting difficulties finding men who are more financially successful than them. Which in turns makes dating for men more difficult now than before.

  3. The amount of people who have been showing up to my MMA gym for both wrestling and BJJ because of some sort of weird belief about masculine toughness and how important it is to learn how to fight becase “gotta protect muh women” has gotten really fucking weird in the past year or two.

    Before the people who showed up to the gym are people who cared about the sport. Nobody here is trying to do self defense, we like wrestling and boxing. But these new guys aren’t there because they like the sport, but because they’re insecure in their masculinity or their ability to defend people or some dumb bullshit like that, and they think that cage fighting is the way to fix that.

    It’s not.

    All that happens is within 1 or 2 months they get minorly injured (we all play paddycakes with them, but shit happens) and then quit showing up.

    So there’s something weird about how men think about masculinity and self defense and fighting. I don’t know what it is, but it is weird.

  4. Loss of purpose and too narrow of a view of what “masculinity” means. Masculinity has been too narrowly defined until the last half-century or so, and attitudes haven’t caught up—specifically men’s views of what masculinity means for themselves. I think almost all of the issues faced by men these days has its roots in this problem.

  5. Video games.

    Create programs that provide genuine meaning for men as opposed to artificial.

  6. Society not acknowledging or taking male specific problems seriously.

    It’s some weird meta argument that always seems to get in the way of any efforts to solve any specific problem.

  7. Accountability, self awareness, and living in reality. The amount of guys I see complaining saying things like women don’t like me, no one cares work harder. Men don’t have the luxury of people really caring because you have all the tools to change your situation 🫡👑

  8. Mental health, loneliness, sexless and little or no career/romantic prospects.

    It starts by having a conversation about it. Unfortunately, the modern online/mainstream left refuses to even acknowledge that it’s even a problem or go as far as to say that it’s an individual problem which i find dissapointing as a progressive male. As a result, the online right has a near monopoly on mens issues and they only have to offer more of what the problem is.

  9. Sexism. Society needs to grow up, stop being a pendulum that over compensates for past mistakes, and start thinking about what equality is actually about

  10. Having to be a Brad Pitt. No ugly dude is gonna land a beautiful girl. The tall white guy will always win.

  11. Accepting to work for a society that is also disrespecting him by calling him useless and calling his problems his problems and not our problem.

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