I have two friends, let’s call them A and B. They had a falling out, and it’s definitely because of A. A has been badmouthing B, even though B is not doing anything. Initially, I’m a neutral party, but as the story becomes clear to me, I can say that A is being unreasonable. Would it be bad if I take B’s side and cut off A too?

  1. depends on the situation, if its something so bad that they deserve to be cut off then do it. if its a misunderstanding then try to explain to A what they did wrong

  2. >Would it be bad if I take B’s side and cut off A too?

    Nah, it’s healthy and essential to edit your list. But it’s also good not to burn bridges, so maybe keep him at an arm’s reach rather than “cut him off”. Whatever you do, be graceful and assume he will badmouth you as well (if he hasn’t already).

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