I’m (M16) in high school and I’ve liked a girl (F17) for about a month, I’m planning on asking her out this Friday. I’m not really expecting her to say yes, but I want to have a plan just in case she does.

I have never been on a date so I don’t really know how long a first date should be, or what to do for a first date. I was thinking about going to the mall and seeing a movie, but I don’t know if I should do something like that or maybe grab dinner or something.

  1. Figure out her hobbies and do something relating that. Since the odds of her saying yes are not in your favor, you increase the odds if it’s something she’s into.

  2. Going to the mall, getting pizza or ice cream or getting dinner—some combination of those things—are all pretty safe first date ideas. Movies are a common first date but they have a distinct down side because you can’t talk at the movies so it’s kind of a missed opportunity for getting to know each other. Save movies for a later date or to end a first date after you’ve already spent time talking during one of the other activities.

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