What do you consider childish in a person?

  1. Pettiness, above all. Like when you’re debating a topic and they throw a quick, cheap jab. Pathetic.

  2. Violence. If you get violent it just shows you are not able to process your emotions.

    If you get violent it makes me think you’re stupid and emotionally stunted.

  3. What is considered childish in a prison is different than what is considered childish out in free society. So whereas it’s acceptable for a man to shed tears out in society, in prison someone would make you his bitch. Be very careful about acting childish in a prison.

  4. Someone who resorts to yelling and interrupting. Being able to clearly communicate, even when disagreeing, and doing so with respect, is a telltale sign of maturity.

  5. Tantrums, demanding/stubborn behavior, mood swings/lack of emotional regulation, lack of accountability, inability to problem solve.

  6. Once you hit 30, you should know how to show up to work with a decent enough attitude, put in the day’s work that the job requires, and maintain your temper for 99% of the day.

    Also apologize and take responsibility for the 1%.

    Looooooots of grown ass adults play some wierd game where they spent 5-25% of their awake life completely insane and spend the rest acting like it never happened

  7. They’re going slow in the acceleration lane, and start going a tad faster when asked to move over so one can pass. And then 10 seconds later, they slow down again.

    Move out of there, you stupid childish goof…!

  8. Driving a car you can’t afford. Nothing more immature than my buddy’s who drive a $50k car and barely make rent on a shitty apartment.

  9. agressivness and blaming everyone for everything are two things that come to mind I hate agressive people and people who cant accept they are at fault

  10. Framing someone else’s point in emotionally charged, unfair terms.

    “Oh, you don’t think emotional labor is a useful idea? WHY DO YOU HATE WOMEN AND MURDER PUPPIES?!?!”

  11. Constantly throwing tantrums and not being able to control one’s emotions is a definite sign of immaturity. Being able to handle difficult situations with grace and maturity is a sign of emotional intelligence.

  12. Being loud. Yelling. Not actually understanding both sides when an argument or conflict is happening.

  13. Not being able to see other’s perspectives. And yeah that disqualifies a lot of adults from actually being considered adults.
    But to me, someone being mature, in big part, is them being able to understand there’s multiple viewpoints and interpretations, and being able to understand those to come to a reasonable agreement.

    I find it super childish when someone just pushes through their perspective and completely fails to consider any other factors.

  14. Making a mess in the room during an argument and not cleaning up afterwards is pretty petty and childish.

  15. Inability to communicate and discuss things like a normal person and compromise. And instead demanding things of other people and throwing a tantrum if and when they don’t get their way.

  16. Someone with little or no respect, disregards authority, is only focused on their wants and needs, and thinks the world is theirs (revolves around them)

  17. If your a guy considering yourself “the alpha male,” and living life by your lord and savior Mr.Top G himself Andrew Tate. I know when you think of a guy like that you think of and individual between the ages of 16-20. But let me tell you there is and unsettling amount of men in my area between the ages of 30-33 that have that mentality. And if your a girl going around telling people you are a boss bitch no your not you are just a bitch your not the boss of anything.

  18. – throwing tantrums

    – crying helplessly in everyday situations

    – denying responsibility

  19. One childish trait that sends shivers down my spine is not being able to answer a direct question and taking a serious question, well, seriously!

    It literally feels like talking to a child when I ask someone what time should I get there and they just start giving me all this random BS without answering the damn question. Like I’ll entertain your nonsense if you at least give me the answer first.

  20. Asking people to do things for you that you are completely capable of doing yourself.

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